Lucifer left some calling cards : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

There's no doubt that the Devil was working overtime the other day (assuming you even believe he exists); seems he left some visual clues beyond the obvious.

Seen these sites?

There are just too many for it all to be "weird coincidence".

Especially at that last site, based in Finland.

-- Chicken Little (, September 16, 2001


check out -bible BIBLE=warning of satans wrath,in last days!!

-- al-d. (, September 17, 2001.

One thing I've learned by now is that cropping matters, and you have to look at images in context. That color CNN one with what appears to be a cream-colored skull (excerpted on link) is cropped down from a larger series of smoky extrusions. I'm not sure where I saw them, so I don't have a link.

But if find that original image, and you take that skull, and think of the eye socket on the right as you look at it as being an open mouth, darned if it doesn't morph into Ronald Reagan caricatured as a Toon clown from "Who killed Roger Rabbit?" And on the other face of the building, the "face" is Al Sharpton!

But most people aren't too visually literate, so they can't make that sort of jump easily. Add the hypnotic calls for unity, and they'll go in lockstep real easy. Even if we started collecting images of Satan in our cornflakes or on Communion wafers, the response would probably be "He's everywhere, what did we tell you?" Can't win.

-- Firemouse (, September 17, 2001.

He sure got a big nose.....


-- Deano (, September 17, 2001.

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