Lucifer left some calling cards : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

There's no doubt that the Devil was working overtime the other day (assuming you even believe he exists); seems he left some visual clues beyond the obvious.

Seen these sites?

There are just too many for it all to be "weird coincidence".

-- Anonymous, September 16, 2001


especially at that last site, based in Finland.

-- Anonymous, September 16, 2001

We have a pResident from Texas. He was installed by way of Florida.

We have two wayward terrorist's arrested on their wayback to bases, (and possible exit of the USA) byway of Fort Worth Texas. The other bunch were trained and based in Florida.

What Satanic connections can you draw from these "weird coincidences" Chix?

-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001

Looks like the "face" on Mars to me.

-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001

Yup, that was definitly Satan. He is coming for all of us.

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001

That is the most eerie image I have ever seen. Thanks CL for the links. I hope I can sleep tonight. I agree with you last statement.

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001

Why is it some people focus on bad things? Are they just stupid or what?

For instance - there is also a cute image of a duck face in that photo that you dumb doomers managed to overlook. I'll bet if you took a moment, you could also find some other nice images!

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001

Try tell me what is so warm and fuzzy there.? You dont have to be a doomer to believe. If you dont stand for something, you shall fall for everything.----- For Stephen a good site for prophecy after the fact. I cant think of the name of how they do that, my hubby showed it to me this morning.

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001 lol! Now there's a reputible source if I've ever seen one! You and your husband better put down that crack pipe! Those drugs have turned your minds to mush.

R - E - A - D the damn print, willya? The lava lamp says "Super neato, insane, and crazy." Got the hint? Ok, dumbshit, let me give you another one "Linky considers himself something of an intellectual, and tends to choose culturally enriching, "brainier" sites to share with us. Dinky, on the other hand, cannot seem to keep a serious thought in his head, and quite often veers off into the bizarre, grotesque and far-fetched. Sometimes they bicker, but as long as you get a cool link or two out of the deal, who cares?"

Summer, call your Internet provider TODAY and save yourself a few bucks a month. Give that money to your sick kid because you're too stupid to understand what you read on it!

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

Gee thanks there lurker/coward. Seems I have thick skin these days. I would have to in order to put up with such uncompassionate SCUM as yourself. So you know me? Why dont you come out of lurkmode coward? I'll tell you why, you have no balls. That is why. I can stand on my own two feet, leave my son out of it you no good SOB.

That was not addressed to you anyhow. The bible prophecy portion was for another, learn to read.

-- Anonymous, September 26, 2001

coward, yes. anon? hardly. its the insane doc himself....dialin in from the rubber room next door to flinty and chuckles.

-- Anonymous, September 27, 2001

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