Sheri Nakken Is a Fucking Filthy : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Sheri Nakken over at TB2K Is a fucking bitch She is an anti american whore living in england and as all those peopel DIE IN NYC this all this cunt can talk about is her fucking mad cow shit Shes a fat fucking cunt
-- Sheri Nakken (, September 15, 2001
Dennis:It is your board. You can delete if you wish. Don't go elsewhere to spread your venom.
-- regular (, September 15, 2001.
"Sheri Nakken", whoever you are, go away. We don't need your shit here. Take it back to tinfoil alley.
-- Tick Tock (, September 15, 2001.
I heard she practices witchcraft, want me to bitch slap her around?LOVE, BITCHSLAPPER
-- bitchslapper (, September 16, 2001.
You don't like her because she yanks your chain! She is an American. She is on our side and she has the best intentions at heart. She really is a good person and being an American, outspoken in her views. Instead of directing all that anger at her, why not move it to the war effort. WWWIII has started. Lets pull together and kick some terrorist ass!
-- Tony Baloney (Fuck, September 16, 2001.
Fuck her the fat ugly stanky anti American whore.
-- Fuck (, September 16, 2001.
WOW, the posts are starting too bring back memories of ol' tb2k- forum.wonder when the banning will start???I just betcha,if I keep mentioning bible-prophecy,i will get zapped.
-- al-d. (, September 16, 2001.