We Don't Use The Word "Hero" Very Often Anymore

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

But this guy (and the other passengers on that plane) certainly deserves it.


-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001


Yes, they are hero's. The discovered what the other aircraft had been used to do and made the choice that they would not allow theirs to be used as a weapon of mass destruction. I think they knew that they would probably die either way, so made the ultimate sacrifice, made their deaths mean something as opposed to sitting by helplessly allowing others to determine their fate.

I think when faced with the realization of possible immediate danger, the triumph of the best in human spirit emerges.

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001

Great story. Its a wonder that we even know of it. If the Congressional Medal of Honor is given to civilians, he should get it, along with a burial at Arlington.

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001

Arlington for sure. All of 'em.

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001


I hear they're going to be recommended for the Congressional Medal of Freedom.

Everytime I think about these guys I get a big lump in my throat.

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001

These people are heroes! In their deaths they saved thousands.

-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001

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