This is our country. We will fight to defend it : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Just got back from a tribal council and we as a tribe have decided to fight as our forefathers did to defend our country by whatever means it takes. A lot of our young men are joinng the military. We pray blessings on our country and ask that the Creators justice be sure and swift. Blessings

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001



That's good to hear, some of the councils standing by the US... it would be resented by many, but understood by most, if they did not...

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001

Do they speak the old language, David? It would be wonderful if you all had codetalkers again. Terrorize that, bin Laden!

The Hungarian and I have been calling all over town, looking for flags. Nada. All gone. But my one nice neighbor and her daughter each had one--and a pole and bracket!--stashed away, which they are happy to donate to us! Both my neighbor and I have an electric candle in our window.

I'd like to be able to afford enough pansies to spell out "Up yours, bin Laden!" on the front, but that's a lot of pansies and work! Maybe I can just do pots of red, white and blue ones.

We'll go shopping tomorrow, see if we can find stars and stripes clothing or something. We are too old to give support but we can show it.

My kindest thoughts are headed to your young braves, David.

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001

I would rather send the bombs and leave the people here. Aren't we advanced enough to do that?

what am I saying? If we were, we wouldn't be doing this...

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001

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