How my employer is helping... : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Yesterday, we got a call from one of the major computer vendors. Some of you know what I work on....

Anyway, seems like they are looking for companies to donate some of their old equipment for some of the companies in NYC which lost their equipment.

We have two of these large machines which we decomissioned earlier this year. We are going to give them to the cause. Hell, if they would let me, I would remotely administrate them for whoever the companies are.

Think high power 24X7 operations. Think I might put a business card in each one with a note that if they need any help to not hesitate to call.


-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001


I like that business card idea. So you. ;)

Do it, sounds great.

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001

I envy you being able to make such a good contribtion. :)

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001

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