Compatiblity of VCD on DVD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I burnt a VCD(pal) using CEquadrat's WINonCD. Now the VCD cannot be played on a DVD player, since it does not have the copyright information. i dont know how to incorporate this into the VCD.
-- Ramaseshan (, September 14, 2001
Not all DVD players can read CDR or CDRW media. First see if your player is capable of reading those media types. You can check a list of which do and which don't at Also check the "DVD Player Issues" page at for a detailed article on this stand alone player (S)VCD compatibilty issue.
-- Rich (, September 14, 2001.
The copyright info your talking about are optional text files you can put into the root of the VCD the presence or the absence of which do not influence the playability of your VCD. There are other problems and I can bet it's your DVD player doesn't read CD-R/RW media.
-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, September 15, 2001.
-- kfjdshkjsd sodkj iosdio (, September 17, 2001.
how it is posibal and how it wii do thank you
-- nirva patel (, October 02, 2001.