Is this Something or Nothing? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Pyramid Timeline"Through the narrow passages, wide galleries and chambers inside The Great Pyramid it has been found that the walls and turns coincide perfectly with significant world events, such as the birth of Christ, the Crusades, both world wars and a highly significant event that is to take place on SEPTEMBER 17, 2001. This date corresponds to the end of the King's Chamber and a pit dropping deep down into the pyramid."
-- Batten (, September 14, 2001
Well, the pyramids have a better track record than Nostradamus seems to have.
-- I'm (, September 14, 2001.
Paul and I agree, "it is nothing".
-- (David L @ World Wide. Pants), September 14, 2001.
The ancient Egyptians must have hated Mondays as much as we do -
-- Chicken Little (, September 15, 2001.