ARREST AT JFK - Man with false airline employee ID - : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
Fox reports that one more was arrested at JFK, three men were arrested at LaGuardia with fake pilot IDs, and several arrested at Newark, on INS Wanted List.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
Sky NewsMan Arrested At JFK Airport
A man has been arrested at New York's JFK airport carrying a false pilot's licence.
"Five or six" others - some Arabs - were also arrested, police commissioner Bernard Kerik said.
The FBI has shut down all three New York airports - JFK, LaGuardia and Newark. Neither flights from New York nor New York-bound flights can take off.
Heathrow arrest
The airports had been re-opened less than eight hours earlier, two days after US terror attacks on US landmarks in New York and Washington.
The arrested man was carrying false identification papers and a pilot's licence, and attempted to clear security.
A man of Middle Eastern origin was also arrested at London's Heathrow Airport on Thursday. He had just landed from an unknown destination. Scotland Yard would not say if the arrest was connected to the US terror attacks.
Vice President moved
An earlier bomb scare at the US Capitol, seat of the US Congress, which resulted in its evacuation, was proved to be a false alarm. It is only the second time in history it has been evacuated but officials are taking all threats seriously.
Suspicious packages were found inside the building, in the Senate. The nearby Pentagon was hit by a hijacked airliner on Tuesday.
Earlier in the day Vice President Dick Cheney was moved to Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland, as a security measure. Officials said they needed to put some distance between him and the President because of "yet another threat on White House grounds".
Last Modified: 00:36 UK, Friday September 14, 2001
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
Heard one of the airlines will not fly it's planes until tomorrow. Something to do with being prudent. Not sure if they had info to make them do that.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001