Casualty Count : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

First, kudos to the newsies for mostly leaving this subject alone.

Last nite on Fox the New York Port Authority was quoted estimating 20M+ in the towers and maybe 10M in the mall below. Debunked? Then this morning we hear 4.5M missing.

It doesn't really matter in terms of gravity but means a hell of a lot to those sitting by their phones as is a friend.

-- Carlos (, September 13, 2001


I think (hope) you meant "K", not "M". I don't understand the numbers that I hear either. First it was said that the two towers can have a total population of 50K. Now there are 4.5K missing. Were 45000 evacuated in the hour before collapse?

-- Lars (, September 14, 2001.

Plus the additional (I've heard 90K) daily visitors to the observation decks, shops, etc.

-- The Toner (, September 14, 2001.


-- al-d. (, September 14, 2001.

You're right of course Lars. Guess I spend too much time around milliliters and milligrams.

-- Carlos (, September 14, 2001.

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