Doc, I feel your pain! : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Doc, I feel your pain!

I want us to go out and kill something, anything, as long as it is a Muslim extremist. I want Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and a good portion of the West Bank to VAPORIZE. I want this to happen with weapons of ultimate mass destruction, leaving nothing left! We’ll leave the tealeaves and moon charts at home and bring on the good stuff…..Smart Bombs, Cruise Missiles, Laser Guided Artillery, Black Ops, and Millions of Foam at the Mouth Troops who will kill anything that even resembles Jamie Farr. I want that lying asshole from Pakistan, that was on CNN this morning, to be hung from his nuts until his head pops.

Every time I see Muslim in this country, wearing a towel or a sheet, I want to blow them away! And if Jesse Jackson even shows hisself I want him terminated with extreme prejudice.

But Doc, you understand we must move with deliberate caution here, don’t you? We must have the rest of the free world in our camp before letting our dogs loose. Even a restricted thinker such as you should be able to grasp this concept. BTW, when my plane was diverted to Nebraska, this was done under pre-arranged scenarios for national security reasons. I’m not really too pleased to have a weenie like you second-guess the most powerful minds on earth. When we are done with the ragheads, I just might swing by Las Vegas and shove your scrawny head even further up your ass.

-- Your (, September 13, 2001


Commander Sir, you have forgotten to include Egypt and Libya.

-- All (ragheads@must.die), September 13, 2001.

As well as Iran and Iraq.

-- (, September 13, 2001.

Doc, you must listen to your Commander. He most assuredly included Iran and Iraq.

-- All (ragheads@must.die), September 13, 2001.

So raghead, are you with the NIPC?

-- (, September 13, 2001.

Who wants to know?

-- All (ragheads@must.die), September 13, 2001.

Did anyone hear Rumsfield yesterday describing the Quadagon incident? He said he saw "bodies"(not people, bodies) severly injured and being taken to the hospital. Very strange to say the least.

-- (, September 13, 2001.

Starting with California might be a thought. It's a lot closer.

-- Carlos (, September 13, 2001.

Apparently, the intellect known as guess@who has never strayed too far from home. In a disaster or war situation, ‘People’ refers to the living and ‘Bodies’ refer to the dead.

Just out of curiosity, 'guess@who', which category do you fall under?

-- All (ragheads@must.die), September 13, 2001.

He said he saw "bodies"(not people, bodies) severly injured and being taken to the hospital.

Apparently raghead cannot read?

-- (goget@clue.willya), September 13, 2001.

And we would take bodies to a hospital because?

Don't bodies go to the morgue and the living to a hospital?

-- (, September 13, 2001.

No shit Sherlock.

Now tell this to mister dehumanized down at the Quadagon. While you are at it, maybe you will let him know we just lost the World Trade Center in that there town of NEW YORK CITY along with probably 4,000+ former ALIVE HUMAN BEINGS. You may have to explain to him the difference.

-- (, September 13, 2001.

kill 'em all and let god sort it out

-- George S Patton (, September 13, 2001.

General, would you be up to a little mission for your country? Call tomorrow morning, early.

-- Your (, September 13, 2001.

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