(GEN) message from the people from Chicken Soup

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Dear Friend,

America is under attack.

Rudyard Kipling wisely said: "Keep your mind about you while all others are losing theirs."

Terrorists want you to panic, lose control and do stupid things. Don't do it.

The Chicken Soup family and team are asking you to be calm. Be prayerful. Think clearly. Share Chicken Soup stories with those that you love. Sharing stories brings us closer together. Stories keep us spiritually connected to our source and center. Stories remind us of our inner strength, courage, resourcefulness and ability to handle the atrocious problems confronting us now. We have the ability to rally together to do what needs to be done in times of emergency.

With love, we ask that you encourage your friends and relatives to read Chicken Soup stories as a way of alleviating their anxiety, anguish, fear and pain. Go to our website http://www.chickensoup.com then to "Featured Story" and the "Featured Story Archives."

With Love,

Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield and Bill O'Quin

PS. Please pray for the President and our military to think and act right.

PSS. One of the charities we support is the American Red Cross. Please give blood. Call 800-GIVELIFE. We need it now more than ever.

-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001

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