Nude Mud Shoot or Tribal : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread |
We participated in Scott McSorley's "Tribal Identities", Nude Mud Shoot, at BM 2001. Since we were NOT spectators we were unable to get photos of this outstanding event. We notices a lot of folks standing around taking photos of all the nude bodies covered in black mud and are hoping that some of you might be willing to share those photos with those of use who did participate.So if you have any photos of this event, we would love to see them.
Please send to
-- Steve and Nanqi (, September 12, 2001
Speakin of ShootVisit:
Watch out for redlof though
-- imme (, January 27, 2003.
i noticed at least a couple of pictures of the Tribal Identities folks on the BurningMan site:
if you browse through that section of the site, you might find more.
-- AlexJB (, September 04, 2002.
i dont have any info on the shoot, but i was also one of the fortunate souls to take part so please email me once you recieve pretty please.your partner in mud ian welling
-- ian welling (, September 29, 2001.