(Gen) Post Card from LA - Part II

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Hi, All!

Don't have time to read and respond to threads. I'm back at the Redondo Beach Public Library and there is a long line of folks trying to get some computer time. The battery blew on my laptop, and I decided to save my cash for other emergencies.

I'm scheduled to fly back to OH tomorrow at 11:30 PDT. I just rec'd an update from Southwest Airlines. They are going to resume service, FAA willing, at 3 pm Eastern. Whether this will happen is anyone's guess.

Anyway, I have chosen to base in Redondo Beach for right now. I'm not far from LAX (about 20 miles?) but I'm far enough to be away from the grieving families. I have extra water, food, cash, and several different plans if I can't fly out in the next day or two. This isn't a bad place to be stuck and I think I'm far enough from downtown in the event of . . . .well, let's not go into that.

Thanks for your concern and prayers! Wish I were back in Ohio!!

-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001


top and lunchtime (1:31 PDT here)

-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001

Thanks so much for the update, Meemur.

-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001

Okay, I won't worry as much, then.

-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001

Don't envy you the lines at the airport when the planes get flying again, Meems. The Hungarian was due to go to Hungary on the 23rd but has changed her plans. She may forfeit her fare but can't say as I blame her. Doesn't want to get stuck if the planes get grounded again or something.

-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001

Thanks for the update Meemur. Have been thinking about you. Let us know how it is going.

-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001

Hey Meemur, take advantage of the time... if I wasn't in my current situation, I'd come down and pick you up for a tour of the coast :)

Sounds like you'll be gone soon, sorry I missed you (I'm about an hour away, without the smog)

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001

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