Numb : LUSENET : ACountryPlace : One Thread

I know that everyone must be reeling after what happened to our country yesterday. I have had a hard time writing about it myself in the last 24 hours. It seems to horrid to put into words. I'm sure we all feel anger and sadness that our country has to endure this tragedy. Where do we go from here? How will we deal with the changes? What can homesteading do to help heal our nation?

Little Bit Farm

-- Little Bit Farm (, September 12, 2001


Been feeling rather numb myself, sat the entire day yesterday and much of today mesmerized in front of the television. Wondering the same things a child might wonder--how will this effect us long term? Do we somehow shake ourselves off and carry on the way we did before or has something too big changed? Will air travel resume some sort of normalcy in the next few days(obviously with some better precautions)? Will hubby be able to fly home? Will the reopening (eventually) of the stock market meet with some sort of normalcy? Is our government really secure? Will there be more of this, or will we breathe some sort of sigh when it is "over"? What will those words "act of war" really mean?

-- mary (, September 12, 2001.

It just seems that the questions mount and the answers are too long in coming. I almost feel guilty that things around here are too normal. When I think of all those whose lives will never be the same I feel bad for mowing the lawn and doing dishes. Anyone else feel this way?

Little Bit Farm

-- Little bit farm (, September 12, 2001.

Hello Little Bit Farm, I grew up watching to "body counts" from the Vietnam war which my father fought in and my older brother ran away from. Both survived but, neither were "heroes". My heart spilled out a sadness for the victims and a United States that was nearly torn in two over our purposes of fighting that war. I saw three great men assasinated. My heart spilled sadness over the loss of what they could have done to save this nation. I saw on TV. The invasion of Panama, the invasion of Grenada, Afganistan, Haiti,Bosnia, etc. All brought fear to me. I saw on TV, the thousands of missles launched at Bagdad. Again, my heart spilled sadness for the victims. But, during that war I had grown a little older and wiser and I questioned a nation of such magnitude as the US and their purposes there and all the other places too. Yesterday, someone decided to "get even". They were successful and again my heart spilled sadness for the victims. This time our people were the victims. Innocent, unsuspecting, but, never the less victims. Tomorrow, the US will seek retribution for the killings of innocent and unsuspecting American lives. They have too, they have no choice. The world expects it. The world demands it. But, why? Why must the United States be involved with the affairs of other nations? Why must the United States be the "policeman" for the world? It has been "policing the world" since 1947. It has made many enemies. One of them said we are tired of the United States sticking their nose in our business. We are tired of them harassing everybody into believing that they are right and we are wrong. It is the United States turn to suffer as they have done to so many countries in the past. Now, my heart has spilled its last bit of saddness and all that is left is fear. Fear that the United States has gone too far. That they have forced their "good vs evil" doctorine on too many nations. And not only do I fear it, most of the United States fears it too. Sincerely, Ernest

-- (, September 12, 2001.

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