Did you hear about the fact of asbestos in the building?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
They just reported that on NBC, the building was built with asbestos in it. Doctors in the area are saying the masks [particle masks] being used are not enough protection.Mind you we are talking about the entire city and all those downwind...
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Yep, I did hear something about that. And now the wind has changed and that crap is blowing all over the city.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
From an e-mail circulated at work. A report from someone who works for verizon, her account of fleeing the building and then the area..."i arrived in hoboken only to be detained. but i did not care; i was alive. people within 10block radius had to be doused by firehoses...clothes and all...the only thing they would hold is a laptop out of its bag...cellphones, pagers,etc could get wet and were a casuality that did not matter. the emt were worried about jetfuel and asbestos on our skin and in our clothing... so people in suits, skirts stepped through a bubble with fire hoses saturating them. drs were there when we came out to listen to our lungs and offer any medical help. from there people were being informed of all the trains leaving hoboken and times. i just walked home from the path as i would any other day, but this time my clothes were wet and i knew i would be a different person from what i witnessed."
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
that is a good testimonial Brooks. Thanks for sharing it with us.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
It was much longer (but didn't format right, so I just posted that part of it). She almost didn't get out in time, because she wouldn't leave a blind workmate, so she took the chance the elevator would work (she was in the second building). Two other people also waited with her and they fled as best they could when they reached the street.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
I hope she gets a medal for helping the visually impaired person. That takes guts, considering what happened.I wonder how many else would have done that, and how many didn't?
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Lots of heroic stories we'll never learn about because the folks are dead. Including whatever happened on the planes.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001