Paula Gordon determines plane crashes actually caused by Y2K : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
(for semi-humorous purposes only):Dr. Paula Gordon, a recognized Y2K expert from George Washington University, has not ruled out Y2K computer problems as causing the multiple plane crashes yesterday.
"I have several high level contacts who refuse to be identified because they fear for their jobs," Gordon commented. "They tell me a date-related software problem may have caused the two jets to mistake the World Trade Center for a runway."
Gordon claims that numbers 9 11 and 1 add up to 21, a sum not easily processed by some software systems.
Dr. Real E. Tee of the FAA dismissed Gordon's theory. "The NTSB will be investigating the crashes, but all evidence currently points to hijacking and deliberate destruction of the aircraft." Tee added that after every crash conspiracy theories quickly abound on the Internet.
Gordon maintains that the world governments have hid massive Y2K problem, mostly to discredit her professionally. The George Washington consultant has a small, but loyal, following and continues to offer working papers on Y2K failures.
-- In (, September 12, 2001
"semi-humor" indeed
-- Lars (, September 12, 2001.
In very poor taste.
-- J (Y2J@home.comm), September 12, 2001.
Yes, poor taste similar to Cherri's and Patricia's Bush bashing. This OTOH provided some comic relief.
-- Maria (, September 12, 2001.
I have no doubt that the sick jokes about this tragedy are already being formed. It's always been a part of how Americans deal with tragedy. I'm also thinking that the made for TV movie is being written right NOW.
-- Anita (, September 12, 2001.
Anita--Ironically, a movie already was made---The Seige, 1998, Bruce Willis, Annette Bening, Denzel. I predict it will be rerun often in the near future.
-- Lars (, September 12, 2001.
Lars, I have a feeling that's what gave the killers the idea to use a plane instead of making their own explosives. They saw the failure of the 1993 bombing and decided they needed something better. Sick.
-- Maria (, September 12, 2001.
Pretty pathetic to make Paricia and I the enemies here, especially Patricia, who is from New York and probably lost friends and maybe even family members in the attacks. If Bush is a wimp and I want to call him one that is my right as an American citizen. I am not going to be a phoney hipocrit and pretend he is mr stand up strong world leader just because of what happened.I still wish we had someone with a brain and some balls in office instead of this spoiled brat who looked like he was ready to pee on himself as he read from the monitor again. He couldn't even say a complete sentance, he paused at all the wrong times. Like I wrote yesterday, I would even take his father in office right now to lead and run the country when it needs strong leadership more now than ever. I am not going to apologize for speaking honestly and not saying a bunch of phoney shit I don't mean. This situation sure hasn't stopped the regular Cherri and Patricia bashers from doing as they normally do.
-- Cherri (, September 12, 2001.
When my little ones got home from school, I tried to explain what had happened. The first thing they asked was if the President was ok. The President is more than just a man you like or don't like. The President is a symbol and right now the office needs to be respected.
-- helen (, September 12, 2001.
Cherri, please buy a clue. Defending your actions isn't working because there is no defense. Give up now and focus on the events taking place. Patricia criticized Clinton bashing and in the very next sentence wrote a "fact" of Bush's incompetence. I'm telling you nicely, there is no defense for this.
-- Maria (, September 12, 2001.
Cherri, I have always respected you, even while disagreeing you. Until now.
-- Lars (, September 12, 2001.
Lars: If we're going to look at movies we've seen, I might mention Geena Davis in Last Kiss Goodnight saying, "This was a fundraiser?" I know that's a sick thought, but it sits in the back of my mind. How many times have we heard that human intelligence has been cut of funding while technological intelligence has received all the money in the last two days? To perhaps exacerbate that thought, we have the car found at the Logan Airport and the car found in Daytona that cast such obvious suspicians on Arabs that some consider the contents "plants". I dunno. I have no doubt that there are some pretty sick operators in our CIA who could promise terrorists all sorts of benefits for members of their families if they would do such a thing. No, I don't REALLY believe this, but it sits in the back of my mind as a possibility and it didn't help when the administration asked for a blank check to "handle" this crisis.
-- Anita (, September 12, 2001.
Cherri, "speaking honestly" is admirable in most instances. Keeping silent, particularly when tossing out negative personal attacks is one's usual approach, in order to present a unified front in the face of national disaster is also an admirable choice.I have found that not sharing every thought which pops into my mind is a good thing. This is self-censorship. The only type of censorship I not only accept but demand.
Like it or not, George W. Bush is currently the President of the United States of America. The course of this nation rests in his and his advisors hands, more so now that we are at war.
We are at war, for it has been declared upon us with vigor - and much spilling of civilian blood.
I ask you to look deep within on this one, Cherri. You may continue to swim in hatred for President Bush as is your natural right to think and feel as you choose. I know you've endured multiple personal tragedies in the past few years and my heart aches for you. I do hope you can find somewhere inside you the wisdom (or so I chooose to call it that) that calls to all Americans to put aside partisanship and bickering, that we may defeat our common enemy.
-- Rich (, September 12, 2001.
Truth is, SENIOR-RAGWEED did not finish off Sadaam. Truth is JUNIOR- RAGWEED has not done a dam thing at all cept run to Nebraska. Truth is Clinton did not do a damn thing either.It is perfectly AMERICAN to call all these jack-asses on their shit. To do otherwise creates the very situation where we have pussys as leaders.
-- (, September 12, 2001.
Well said Rich. If Bush proves to be an incompetant leader at this time, it will be appropriate to excoriate him. Let's at least give him a chance to f-up.I though his address to the nation last night was acceptable, minimally.
-- Lars (, September 12, 2001.
JUNIOR-RAGWEED apologized to COMMUNISTS. dinnerbell
-- (, September 12, 2001.
Doc, instead of your usual invective, you might try making specific recommendations.
-- Lars (, September 12, 2001.
No planes leave the ground without a completely secure pilot cockpit.Ya I know, that would be TOO EXPENSIVE, can't have that. Hell only a few Thousand died yeasterday, we are not close to a Firestone tire body-count yet to actually do anything beyond straightening GRANDMAS hairdo at the flight gates.
-- (, September 12, 2001.
Lars,I felt his shift in tone, from the earlier picture painted of perpetrating "faceless cowards" to the enemy being "Evil" was a brilliant and crucial change in rhetoric. The restrained, specific snippet of the 23rd Psalm was masterfully used. I was pleasantly suprised.
-- flora (***@__._), September 12, 2001.
Paulie and Cherri cannot see past their petty political-driven hatred. These are what I call small "a" Americans, people who prattle on about rights while America burns, barracks lawyers. Like him or not, President Bush is the Commander-in-Chief and is directly responsible for answering this military attack against our nation. I would hope most Americans pull together and not use this as another opportunity to whine about the failed attempt to create a Socialist Republic of America.
-- Remember (, September 12, 2001.
Perhaps we should keep a cool head until we see what exactly he does do? Anyone stop to think that at any given second he could bomb the shit out of ALL involved? Just cuz we claim we dont know who did it does not for one minute mean we dont. I'll keep my opinions to myself for now regarding our handling of it for now.FWIW, I do believe if we dont act soon, that we the people will act and this is already beginning to happen here in Cleveland Ohio, and my cousin said up in Michigan, near Dearborn there is rioting.
No media coverage on it is all.
-- sumer (I@aint.sayin), September 12, 2001.
"Yes, poor taste similar to Cherri's and Patricia's Bush bashing. This OTOH provided some comic relief. "Are you desperately hoping everyone has forgotten your offer to share defense secrets with another poster?
-- Never Forget (, September 12, 2001.
right on helen
-- (cin@cin.cin), September 12, 2001.
The Paula Gordon article was in poor taste, but it made me laugh.
-- The Extolian (good@death.metal), September 12, 2001.
The WTC was a viper's nest of NWO operatives. Tuesday's strike was a strike for freedom!
-- (The anti-NWO/radical-Muslim alliance@Jersey.City), September 12, 2001.
The WTC was a viper's nest of NWO operatives. Tuesday's strike was a strike for freedom!-- (The anti-NWO/radical-Muslim alliance@Jersey.City), September 12, 2001.
I see BIN himself has arrived. Your post will be welcome news to the thousands of remaining family members trying to make sense out of this atrocity. They will appreciate knowing their loved ones died for Freedom.
Now with that said, now go FUCK YOURSELF ASSHOLE.
-- (, September 13, 2001.