Questions and answers : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

A lot of questions are being asked and some answers are coming out.

What are your most pressing question and has anyone heard any possible answers to it.

One question is how did these people know how to fly the aircraft. Since it is beyond question that any pilot would intentionally fly into a building full of people, no matter what was being done to him, then it is a good guess that the highjackers disabled the flight crew and flew the aircraft themselves. The fourth aircrat is proabably an example of the crew ditching the aircraft rather than flying it, or permitting it to be used as a bomb intended to kill many. As a matter of fact it has been disclosed that it was targetting something in Washing D.C. I think it is incredable that the crew gave their lives in order to save many others.

As for how they could have known how to fly the aircraft....simple, they were taught. In the 1970's Boeing trained Iranians to fly their aircraft, before the conflict with Iran cut off relations. Their are training centers all over the world that will teach anyone to fly all manner of aircraft. It wouldn't be too hard for those highjackers to have gone under false identity and gotten the training they wanted.

Was there something on the two planes that hit the trade center buildings that exploded on a time schedule, causing them to collapse when they did? Or perhaps something in the buildings themselves, timed bombs set to go off when it would be known there would be a lot of rescue personell in them?

-- Cherri (, September 12, 2001



-- al-d. (, September 12, 2001.

I heard a structural engineer (Brian MacDonald) on the radio say that the building collapsed when the fire got hot enough that the steel girders lost their strength after their fire resistant coating burned away. The hot fire was caused by using planes full of fuel. Once a couple of floors melted away their weight broke the rest of the building. He said it didn’t matter which floor of the building was hit.

-- dandelion (golden@pleurisy.plant), September 12, 2001.

I believe the passengers on the plane that crashed got wind of the terrorists' intentions and decided to rush the hijackers rather than allow them to accomplish their mission.

Than again, there hasn't been any live coverage of the crash scene so maybe it was friendly fire that brought it down (but it wouldn't be pc to admit it.)

-- News (, September 12, 2001.

It is probably a good thing that the buildings collapsed as they did-inward, because as tall as they were if they had fallen outward in any direction they could have caused a domino effect on other buildings.

I just saw a video of the first plane hitting the first building, first time I have heard of a video of that one. It looked like someone was doing an interview and moved the camera up to the building just after the plane hit.

-- Cherri (, September 12, 2001.


MSNBC is reporting that some of the passengers DID take control back from the hijackers. The flight crew was apparently dead and these people were unable to fly the plane.

Just another sad story in a day filled with them.

We've heard from structural engineers who've stated that the building would have collapsed that way due to the intense heat from the JP burning in the upper floors. The steel beams would have weakened and once the upper floors let go, the weight would have fallen directly down, collapsing the floors underneath in a domino effect caused by gravity.

When professional demo teams remove a building, the need only blow the bottom floor(s). The building will crush itself straight down.

-- Stephen M. Poole (, September 12, 2001.

"Steel structural members elongate when heated. A 50-foot (15m) beam may elongate by as much as 4 inches ... when heated from room temperature to about 1,000[degrees]F.... If the steel is restrained from movement at the ends, it buckles and fails somewhere in the middle. For all purposes, the failure of steel structural members can be anticitpated at temperatures near or above 1,000F. [and remember, if it expands, it will contract] ... Another possibility... to consider is that elongating steel can actually push out load-bearing walls...." Essentials of Fire Fighting 4th ed. Ed by Richard Hall and Barbara Adams.

Also keep in mind that steel WILL burn. Ask a welder to show you-it just melts and then goes "poof". On purpose it is a way to drill through thick metal or pieces difficult to get at with a drill. The fire load in many of the offices would have increased the heat of the fire, adding to the stress put on the steel structure. Once part of the building began to fail, the tinker-toy building system used in erecting buildings of this type didn't have much chance. Mousie

-- mousie (, September 12, 2001.

I have questioned why the plane which took portion of the Pentagon down (originally on way to White House) did take a turn while in route to the White House and instead took on the Pentagon.

I know this question will probably never get answered, but I just wonder. Dont get me wrong, I wish NONE of it would have happened I was just wondering if perhaps there was a reason as to why it appeared to be going for the WH and changed course.

-- sumer (I@aint.sayin), September 12, 2001.

originally on way to White House

Where are people getting this rumor? Just curious. It can only be speculation. From the direction the plane came in it could have gone to the White House or the U.S. Capitol building with barely a turn at all.

-- Buddy (, September 12, 2001.

Pilot error.

-- Maria (, September 12, 2001.

Buddy the rumor I got was all over the cable news network channels. As I had nothing to do yesterday since I had my tooth yanked out of my head, I surfed. ;-)

You are most likely correct, I never considered it was speculation. Must of been the painkillers and the nitrous oxide. hee

-- (I@aint.sayin), September 12, 2001.

The media is telling us that the plane that went down in PA was possibly headed for Camp David or the White House. Unless GWB was there, Camp David seems far less likely a target than the WH or some other DC buildings.

Enough of all that! What I want to know is how many of those muthafuckers are we planning to waste this week? Pakistan and Afghanistan need to be cleaned out, for openers. After that, Iraq should be turned into a landfill. I don’t care if we make some mistakes…..KILL EM!

-- All (ragheads@must.die), September 12, 2001.

Dear All:

There is a portion of my being screaming the same. We must wait. We dont know what is going on behind closed doors. I dont believe there is one American amongst us who is not angry and want retaliation.

Patience is a virtue. I think it does help to let our anger out. I am pissed as hell. I'll never feel safe completely again, I for one wouldnt DARE get in a plane right now, most I know who are stranded are renting/carpooling w/others just to get home. I jump at every noise and do not like being afraid at all. I was raised to be strong. Not weak.

Here's to hoping we do see justice and some ass kicking being done. IN TIME. btw, not a real long time ;-)

PS they are saying the white house was a target. Guess it wasnt just a rumor.

-- sumer (I@Aint.saying), September 12, 2001.

I say we turn Afghanistan into the 51st state and give 'em Jesse Helms for a governor.

-- Stephen M. Poole (, September 12, 2001.

You are a heartless bastard Mr. Poole.

-- Jack Booted Thug (, September 12, 2001.

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