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The world trade towers have been hit!

-- renee oneill{md.} (, September 11, 2001


I was watching when the second plane hit!!! How horrible! One of the planes is reported to have been a passenger plane hijacked out of Boston....those poor innocent people on board!!!!! Oh My Goodness...the Pentagon has had a bombing

-- Marcia (, September 11, 2001.

I just set down to eat a bowl of cereal and watched the second plane hit. Couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. I definetly knew then we are under terriost attack. and now the pentagon.

-- r.h. in okla. (, September 11, 2001.

The south tower (the one hit by the second plane) just completely collapsed. I hope no one was still inside, like rescue teams. Oh, what horror!

One commentary just said that the top seemed to collapse and appears that the weight of all that took it down. No explosions at the base. Massive numbers injured/killed.

-- Joy F [in So. Wisconsin] (, September 11, 2001.

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