HILLARY - Muscles in on Paul McCartney

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread


All Together Now

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton was willing but Sir Paul McCartney wasn't.

"I don't pose for pictures with anyone," the ex-Beatle told The News' Richard Corkery when our photographer asked him for a shot with New York's junior senator. The two were appearing at the fourth annual Redbook Mothers & Shakers Awards lunch at Avery Fisher Hall, where Clinton was the keynote speaker and honoree. McCartney arrived with fiancée Heather Mills.

But later in the greenroom, when no photographers were around, McCartney found a piano, sat down and started to play. Hillary found room on the seat beside him, and the photo ban seemed forgotten. "Yesterday" has a way of doing that. [No doubt she was hoping a photographer would appear or that he would summon one.]

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001

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