Decoding problem : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I use TMPGEenc12a for decode AVI to MPEG1, after this i starting nero v5.5.4.0, but nero give's me the following message: Stream encoding which is invalid for a (Super) Video-CD Invalid video stream: 25 frames/second, 352*240 pixels Invalid audio stream: 48000 Hz, 2 channnels

is there someone who can help me with this problem, or is there a another program, so i can play the movie's on my CD-I player thanks already.

-- Fred (, September 11, 2001


Invalid audio stream gives it away: valid for VCD is 44100Hz. There are preset templates with TMPGenc; on opening it, click on the LOAD button and choose VCD-PAL or VCD-NTSC. The appropriate settings for VCD will be loaded and away you go.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, September 11, 2001.

Mehmet's answer is a good one. Also, why are you trying to burn a Super Video-CD (SVCD) with a VCD stream? SVCD requires MPEG-2 video and different resolutions than you are using. Just FYI, the infamous Nero "invalid stream ..." message when burning SVCD usually means that you have to demux and remux your video stream using a SVCD template, but you're seeing it here because you're trying to make a SVCD out of a VCD stream.

-- Jason (, September 11, 2001.

I fully agree. With those specs, you are closer to a VCD & not SVCD. If VCD is what you want then, while encoding either keep the image size 352x288 @ 25 fps (PAL) or else 352x240 @ 29.97 fps (NTSC). And stick to 44100 Hz (sampling rate), 224 Kbits/sec (Audio bit rate), MPEG Layer II, .....Nero won't burp !

-- Chetan (, September 11, 2001.

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