Is imposible send my records, why? : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

I don't know why, but for me the page for send records don't work, I put everything, name of game, points, version of mame, all, but don't send. I send my records throught of my Home Page, I don't use AOL is the same then I use 3 years ago. if anyone knows please help me. thank you all again. :)

-- Joćo Luiz Melo novaes (, September 10, 2001


Perhaps try Netscape if you are using IE, or IE if you are using netscape or upgrade your browser. The submit/upload function uses some technology that is fairly "new" to old browser technology but was introduced a pretty long time ago, it should work pretty well on an up to date browser.

It is also possible that you've run into a posting problem, were no sites will post any html form. I've run into this problem sometimes using a cable router/modem. I can browse and click links just fine but when i click submit buttons I get DNS errors.

what is the error that you get when this happens?

-- Chad (, September 17, 2001.

when I submit a record, nothing happen or DNS error. I don't know why? :(

-- JLr (, September 28, 2001.

I“m having the same problem.

-- INNUENDO (, September 28, 2001.

If this is a DNS problem you're seeing, sometimes windows crappy 8 browsers when submiting an html form say to post action=/index.cgi will try to access /index.cgi on a undefined host name (since is defined /index.cgi is not) and thus you're trying to find a computer name that does not exist and you cannot post. note i have no idea what causes this but sometimes when i close IE or retry or reboot and it appears to work.

-- Chad (, September 28, 2001.

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