EQ - Jolts Los Angeles area

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[Wow! I can't believe I scooped Boom Boom!]

September 9 9:17 PM ET

Earthquake Jolts Los Angeles Area

LOS ANGELES (AP) - An earthquake shook the greater Los Angeles area Sunday, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.

The quake had a preliminary magnitude of 4.2 and was centered about one mile southeast of West Hollywood, said Lucy Jones of the U.S. Geological Survey (news - web sites).

The quake was felt in downtown Los Angeles where it rolled for about four seconds and also shook in the suburban areas of Van Nuys, Whittier and Glendale.

The quake struck at 4:59 p.m. and was followed by another temblor of magnitude 2.8 that struck at 5:01 p.m. The second quake was centered nine miles west of downtown Los Angeles in the Beverly Hills area, according to a preliminary report from the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

Officials with the county and city fire departments said there were no immediate reports of damage or injury.

The quake was felt as far away as Lancaster, which is about 70 miles north of downtown Los Angeles.

``It is the type that would rattle dishes, knock dishes out of shells and things of this nature. But as far as damage to buildings, I don't think we'll have significant damage to any buildings or ruptured pipes or anything like this as a result of this particular earthquake,'' said city fire department spokesman Jim Wells.

The 1994 Northridge earthquake was the last major temblor to strike in the Los Angeles area. The 6.7 magnitude quake killed 72 people and caused $25 billion in damage.

The temblor that struck Sunday had a depth of 2.3 miles and was the first 4.0-plus quake in the Los Angeles basin since the Northridge quake, Jones said.

-- Anonymous, September 09, 2001


You sure did scoop me! I got off the computer last night and watched TV, without checking Cally before I went to bed. Just woke up now at just before 2 am. Found this and came ove to post it. So might as well add my little bit to yours. Hopr this didn't shake up Meemur to much, is she still out in Cally? ******************************************************

Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada == PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE REPORT == Southern California Seismic Network: a cooperative project of U.S. Geological Survey, Pasadena California Caltech Seismological Laboratory, Pasadena, California

Version #1: This report supersedes any earlier reports of this event. This is a computer-generated message. This event has not yet been reviewed by a seismologist.

A light earthquake occurred at 4:59:17 PM (PDT) on Sunday, September 9, 2001. The magnitude 4.2 event occurred 2 km (1 miles) ENE of Beverly Hills, CA. The hypocentral depth is 4 km ( 2 miles).

------------------------------------------------------- Magnitude 4.2 - local magnitude (Ml) Time Sunday, September 9, 2001 at 4:59:17 PM (PDT) Sunday, September 9, 2001 at 23:59:17 (UTC) Distance from Beverly Hills, CA - 2 km (1 miles) ENE (76 degrees) West Hollywood, CA - 2 km (1 miles) ESE (123 degrees) Century City, CA - 4 km (2 miles) ENE (63 degrees) Los Angeles Civic Center, CA - 12 km (8 miles) W (280 degrees) Coordinates 34 deg. 4.5 min. N (34.075N), 118 deg. 22.7 min. W (118.379W)

Depth 3.7 km (2.3 miles) Location Quality Fair Location Quality Parameters Nst=148, Nph=148, Dmin=2 km, Rmss=0.32 sec, Erho=0.1 km, Erzz=0.3 km, Gp=28.8 degrees Event ID# ci09703873

-- Anonymous, September 10, 2001

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