copying of vcd's into computer : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i usually copy a vcd into computer by simply copying the .dat file in mpegav is bout 500-600 mb.. now is there ne software by which this .dat file gets converted into some other form ,like mpg,avi,asf...and it take * less space * then it usually does..??? and is it possible to play dvd's on ordinary cd roms.???????

-- goldie (, September 09, 2001


VCD .dat files are MPEG-1 video. While it is possible to convert them to other formats (go to to see how to do this), you will lose quality by converting. However, if you want to save disk space and don't care about quality, then go for it. Yes, it is possible to make DVD format on ordinary CD-ROMs. It's called miniDVD. They are playable on PCs with the right software and all you need is a CD-ROM drive. The downside is that only a very few standalone DVD players will play them (Sampo and Afreey will) and that you get very little recording time. DVD discs are not the same as CD-Rs. DVD discs have about 6-7 times the space of a CD-R disc. Using DVD resolutions and bit rates on CD-R discs gives you about 10-12 minutes of recording time, which may not be that useful.

-- Jason (, September 10, 2001.

You can download a freeware called VCDGEAR which can convert .dat to .mpg.

-- sam (, September 11, 2001.

Why not just re-name the .DAT file from the original VCD (Once copied across to the PC's HDD) to '.mpg' works fine 4 me ! - :-)

-- Paul (, September 30, 2001.

Hey, okay, so the first thing you do is copy the .dat file off the VCD. You can then download several programs from that will change them into .mpg or .avi. Another way requires Adobe Premiere. Import the file into Premiere and then export the clip as the file you want. Another way requires Windows Movie Maker. Import the file into WMM and then export it (Save To Computer) and you can choose the quality and size.

-- aldaria (, February 24, 2004.

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