Videos (movies) on the Central : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

The question was recently posed about the availability of videos on the Central during the 1950s and '60s. The best material that I'm aware of came to me through Shelby Lowe. These were the 8mm color movies shot during the '50s by R.D. Sharpless. The movies were given to Shelby years ago, and a very limited number of videos were made from the films. About three years ago, Shelby sold the entire collection of movie reels to a video production firm (in Tennessee, I believe - Shelby couldn't remember the name of the company). They bought the films with the intent to remaster the video transfer and possibly add sound, and then market the videos commercially. So be on the lookout for this in the future - wish I knew more. The movies show a good deal of passenger action, including numerous fly-bys of THE FLAMINGO, MAN o'WAR, and HANCY HANKS II, as well as dozens of shots of passing freights, with many showing all of the freight cars... great for studying consists. I'm sure an announcement will appear on this site when this video hits the market.

-- Tom Alderman (, September 08, 2001


There was a video titled N&W+Southern=NS. There are scenes of a Central switcher in CofGa paint, the Seminole with CofGa E-7s in Southern paint, two geeps leading a train out of a yard (Southern paint), and a Gerogia Northern FT switching CofGa hoppers. I think Pentrex sold this video. All scenes are in color. This is a short segment of the video, but it's better than nothing.

-- Stephen Cargile (, June 09, 2002.

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