Do you believe in miracles?????? : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread | or this:Do you believe in miracles?
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2001
Damn, I thought you were going to say your neighbor accidentally shot himself and lost his leg.
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2001
SAR, WOW is about all I can say. What a wild ride! Do you feel anything "different" about yourself (physically or otherwise) since the vehicle "went through" yours?Any "missing time"? Any "scars/blemishes/changes in skin-tone"? Wow....
To answer your question, yep, I do believe in miracles.
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2001
I keep saying "there is Divine Justice....there is Divine Justice.....
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2001
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2001
Defenseless little kids and animals. . .
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2001 be truly happened in slow motion, like all of time slowed way down......but was not an abduction senerio at all.....believe me, I think I'd know! ;^ )also, we REALLY did see green sparkles like molecules.........I can say to you, something out of the normal score of physicality happened yesturday.....I only wish it happened BEFORE Butchie got his little foot shot off. :^(
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2001
WOW. I hadn't read it before now. Have you seen the last Star Trek movie? In that movie they find a culture that is capable of slowing time and enjoying that instant. That is what this reminded me of.
-- Anonymous, September 08, 2001
Insurrection was the name of that movie.
-- Anonymous, September 08, 2001