best codec to use with VirtualDub to make Vcd from VHS ? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i whant to make a video CD from VHS tape using VirDub ,about 90 minute of film , Thanks ,DAN

-- Dan (, September 07, 2001


I'm not sure what you're asking. Codecs are meaningless in terms of MPEG-1 video as you use the MPEG-1 codec. If you are asking what codec should you use to record AVI video that you want to convert to MPEG-1, I suggest the Huffy codec. It's supposed to be lossless, which would, in theory, give you the best quality. Please be aware that you can not get 90 minutes of video onto one CD-R. You will either have to split the film so it can be burned onto 2 CD-Rs, lower the bit rate which will make the quality much worse, or burn to a 90 minute or 99 minute CD-R, but there is no guarantee this will work or that your player will be able to read the disc.

-- Jason (, September 10, 2001.

What is your method of capture ? , a lot depends on that I guess ...

-- Chetan Umarje (, September 10, 2001.


-- OSNI JOSE DE SOUZA (, July 22, 2002.

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