JPEG to VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Is there a way to put still pictures (JPEGs) onto a VCD and play them (as still pictures) on a DVD player? What I'd really like to do is take an html page (with its graphics) and convert that to something on VCD that could be read through a DVD player. I'm not looking for motion, and would be willing to have a technique that uses the remote bipper to advance the pictures/pages, much like a projector.


-- Ken Kast (, September 06, 2001



-- shahzad (, September 07, 2001.

It's possible to do what you want. I'm not sure what format the stills have to be in. I haven't checked, but I have been told that now has a guide on how to do this, so you might find the information you need there.

-- Jason (, September 07, 2001.

Nero 5.5.x.x can do this. WinOnCDPE3.7/3.8 can do even better, with music while your still MPEGs flip. But the highest resolution is 704x576 or 704x480 for a still MPEG on VCD; will your fancy HTML pages still look good on the TV even so??

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, September 08, 2001.

You can use either Ulead Video Studio/Adobe Premiere or Tmpgencoder to convert the JPEG to movie file. You can insert a music as well as can adjust the didplay time. The movie (mpeg file) can be burnt as a VCD.

-- sam (, September 11, 2001.

The man is right TMPGencoder works you can put music into your project looks and sounds profesional regards russ

-- (, October 30, 2001.

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