Fox News star heads for : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Paula Zahn Heads for CNN As AnchorNEW YORK (AP) - Paula Zahn is headed to CNN, where she is expected to anchor a new morning broadcast.
The path was abruptly cleared for Zahn to make a move when she was fired Wednesday from Fox News Channel for what that network called breach of contract. She was signed with Fox News through February 2002. Fox News is charging that Zahn's agent, Richard Leibner, violated that pact by talking to CNN.
``Fox News regards breach of contract as a serious and intolerable offense,'' Fox executive Jack Abernethy said. ``We consider the acts of her representatives to be unscrupulous and her actions to be disloyal to the network.''
Leibner was not immediately available for comment, but his spokesman, Tom Goodman, said CNN, Leibner and Zahn ``have acted with the highest degree of professionalism and integrity during this process.''
CNN Chairman Walter Isaacson also said nothing improper happened.
``We made her an offer subject to her availability and her existing obligations,'' Isaacson said. ``Now that she's become available, we're delighted to have her.''
``I'm looking forward to signing with CNN,'' Zahn said. ``I'm thrilled.''
Zahn, 45, had been with Fox News Channel since March 1999.
After anchoring Fox News' evening newscast for several months, she was given a weeknight news-talk hour, ``The Edge.'' Her last appearance was Tuesday night.
Before Fox, Zahn spent a decade at CBS News, where her duties included co-anchoring its morning newscast with Harry Smith.
Now Zahn apparently is headed back to the early shift, as CNN develops a morning newscast to originate from a streetside studio in New York.
``We're excited about building a show around her,'' Isaacson said. He added that an official announcement of her new post was likely within ``a few days.''
-- Debra (, September 06, 2001
Give 'Fox and Friends' competition.
-- Musical (, September 06, 2001.
This is consistent with CNN's sell-out to the Right. What next Ted, Bill O'Reilly?
-- (neon Leon Trotsky @, September 06, 2001.
Ted is such a dickwad.
-- (La Fonda @ Jimmy Carter.Church.Camp), September 06, 2001.