Anybody in Vancouver, BC interested in VCD/DVD production business : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I'm looking for a business partner to make something big out of VCD /DVD production. Qualifications are: 1. Must be residing in Vancovuer, BC 2. Must be really involved (experimented, explored, tested, produced)in VCD/DVD stuff. 3. Very resourceful re: information in the internet. 4. Must be really serious in pursuing this business endeavor. Contact me immediately.

-- (, September 06, 2001


Why? What is this all 'aboot'?

-- Ben (poo@caca.toilet), September 06, 2001.

Why? What is this all 'aboot'?

-- Ben (poo@caca.toilet), September 06, 2001.

SHUT YOU MOUTH!! Americans..... All you do is talk, and talk, and talk, and you say things like: "let me tell you something", and "i just wanna say this"... well you're dead now, so SHUT UP!!

*Bang *Ben drops dead.. *everyone rejoices *shakes osama bin ladin's hand.. *then shoots him too *later "canuck" is sent to mental asylum for too much killing *later, even with canuck's past, he still gets allowed into a country that'll accept him... america.. *god bless the USA.... for letting the psychos in... and letting them stay in...


-- (, November 20, 2001.

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