Does my Aiwa XD-DV290 DVD player have VCD support? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have been having this model for over a year now, yet have never played a single VCD in it. I just recently purchased one, and am wondering if the VCD format is supported. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
-- Kevin Randal Coffman Jr. (, September 06, 2001
Go to and check the DVD player compatibility list. Warning - almost all DVD players support playing commercial silver VCDs. The real question is "Does your DVD player support CD-R and CD-RW media?" If the VCD you bought won't play, most likely it was burned to CD-R media. Flip the VCD over and look at the back of the disc. Does it look silver like an audio CD you bought in a store or does it have that blue or green tint that CD-R media has? If it looks silver, it probably was commercially produced in Asia and should play in your player. You could always just try to play it. It won't damage your DVD player if it won't play it.
-- Jason (, September 06, 2001.
My DVD player does play all CD-R and CD-RW media that I've tried so far (silver and colored bottoms). So if it is compatible with those then it will play VCD's?
-- Kevin Randal Coffman Jr. (, September 06, 2001.