ASKING for your : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
I don't like to do this often...but most of you here know we have to bury one of out kitties this past week, today was the first day I was able to really laugh at the other kitties playing...I went out to get the mail, and had a package from the vet clinic... in it, they had made a paw print, Shadows name and date....and a copy of the rainbow bridge....lovely, lovely gesture, but too soon ...I cried...Dan we held hands and got the 5 "Cat house" kitties to go for a walk in the woods.we have 4 with us, and couldn't find Butchie...but heard the neighbor shoot his magmun....twice. When we found Butch in the Cat house, the neighbor had shot a hole the size of a quarter through his foot. Butchie is at the vets, and will 99.99% lose the foot, and maybe the leg.
I need prayers for butchie, and for gain control of the insidious RAGE I am feeling. I will adjust, but I try as hard as I can to be the best neighbor, I don't bother anyone..and he had to do this almost point blank. what is that Dan and I were walking in the woods. It could have been one of us.
So, I ask you for your prayers. and I thank you.
-- Anonymous, September 06, 2001
SAR, you already know how I feel about this and I won't reproduce it here because I don't want people to know I know words like that. I hope the man suffers some injury or illness which will give him twice as much agony as he put Butchie and you through.
-- Anonymous, September 06, 2001
Sar, get rid of that rage. You have mentioned having that emotional reaction to things before, and I truly believe it only makes matters worse. I feel bad for what happened to your cat. If you are going to pursue this matter further, you must do it with a cool head, no rage.
-- Anonymous, September 06, 2001
SAR, I'm so sorry for what you and your family are going through right now.
-- Anonymous, September 06, 2001
Sounds to me like you should have a chat with the sherrif. There must be something they can do about that sort of thing.
-- Anonymous, September 06, 2001
{{{{{SAR}}}}}You have my hugs! Hope Butchie heals and that they are able to save the foot.
Take pictures and get a vets report then talk to the law. I agree with Gordon that you must get a hold of the rage. (I know, I have rage at times, and when I act out of rage nothing ever comes good of it.) Calm down and deal the situation with a level head.
I also agree with OG, in that I hope what goes around comes around with that beast.
Again, HUGS {{{{{SAR}}}}}
-- Anonymous, September 06, 2001
Sar, I know you are a person who is very interested in walking the positive path. Rage, unfortunately, is a *direct* line or link into the negative area. We have talked about how we can be manipulated by certain negative forces or beings. One of the most common ways that they maintain control over us is to keep us using extreme negative emotions such as anger, hate, or rage. When we do that, or act on it, we may feel we are just responding to something evil in an acceptable way, but in reality what we are doing is playing right into the hands of the negative forces who/which absolutely love to get us out of control in a negative way. Just realize that you can't bring about a positive solution to any problem while you are deeply enmeshed in a negative trap.
-- Anonymous, September 06, 2001
-- Anonymous, September 06, 2001
((((((((SAR)))))))))Your neighbor is evil. Definitely time to call the sheriff.
-- Anonymous, September 06, 2001
report has been filed......I am coping with rage, Gordon, but I am allowing MYSELF this time to FEEL rage.....I have gone 45 yrs and suppressed many emotions, thinking I had to do that to be a good person...with all respect to you, Gordon, as I consider you a very dear cyber friend....I am Pissed, BIGTIME.....and I think rage directed at the situation is a good see, if I were to try to hold this in..I would implode!I am doing better, because I AM a good person, and I know I am....but I am human, too, and and I will allow myself this small feel rage where I see the injustices in this world! It doesn't mean I will act on anything..but I am beginning to think it is HEALTHY in the long run to allow oneself to express the many emotions of the human species.
thank you all for you prayers....I believed they have worked!
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2001
Sar, I'm not going to bug you if you want to indulge yourself in strong emotional reactions of a negative nature. I will only ask you two questions. One, do you think you are going to find a lot of rage being displayed when you are once again with your loved ones in the higher spiritual realms? Two, where *do* you expect to find rage displayed as a common part of existence? Sometimes it's very hard to give up old habits, even when they harm us, I know that very well.
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2001