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CREATE A USB NETWORK For quick file transfers between two computers, USB networking is an affordable solution. http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/answerstips/story/0,23008,3013459,00.html10 ESSENTIALS OF MAKING A DIGITAL FILM Find out what went into the making of Rodney Ascher's "Triumph of Victory" film. http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/showtell/story/0,23008,3346049,00.html
COKE CANS IN SPACE A Stanford class can show you how to make a coke-can satellite. http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/supergeek/story/0,23008,3321475,00.html
SPEED-UP YOUR TYPING TSS shows you how Dvorak keyboard could revolutionize the way you type. http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/answerstips/story/0,23008,3345996,00.html
MARTIN'S LIST Find out what Martin missed while he was away at Burning Man. http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/supergeek/story/0,23008,3346097,00.html
COMMAND LINE FUN WITH IE Make Internet Explore do what you want with these nifty command line switches. http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/answerstips/story/0,23008,3343358,00.html
SITE OF THE NITE Learn about the online wackiness of Dr. Bukk's false teeth and a bunny with food on its head. http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/supergeek/story/0,23008,3346089,00.html
A few helpful motherboard links: Motherboard 101 http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/answerstips/story/0,23008,3325790,00.html Install a New Motherboard http://www.techtv.com/help/hardware/story/0,23008,3302118,00.html
Online Virus Checking
If you'd like to check your computer for viruses but don't really want to install an antivirus program, why not have your computer checked via the Internet? You can go to HouseCall and use Trend Micro's free online virus scanner. You can register to have free virus information sent to your, or you can get your computer scanned for viruses without registering.
Click here to scan your computer for viruses! http://housecall.antivirus.com/
- Sue Whitehouse
-- Anonymous, September 06, 2001
REFILLABLE INK Cut printing costs by filling up empty ink cartridges yourself. http://www.techtv.com/callforhelp/answerstips/story/0,23008,3345837,00 .htmlINK JET CARE Five simple steps to prevent an ink-jet meltdown. http://www.techtv.com/callforhelp/howto/story/0,23008,3318737,00.html
QUEST FOR LYRICS Find the words to your favorite songs online. http://www.techtv.com/callforhelp/answerstips/story/0,23008,3328102,00 .html
VANISHING WINDOWS Learn how to minimize multiple windows at once. http://www.techtv.com/callforhelp/answerstips/story/0,23008,3005464,00 .html
IE doesn't remember **********
James from Charlevoix, Michigan called in to ask why IE isn't remembering any website addresses that he types in the toolbar. Let's back up a second. Usually when you type in a website address in the IE toolbar, it will automatically complete the address for you. Besides checking the toolbar for recently visited websites, you can select the History button on the IE toolbar. This is a good trick to locate an address that you forgot to bookmark.
If this isn't happening, there are a few areas you can check. Select Tools, Internet Options, then choose the General tab. In the History section, be sure the "days to keep pages in history" section has your desired day count.
Another item to check is if AutoComplete is turned on. Open Tools, select Internet Options, and choose the Advanced tab. Scroll down to find the AutoComplete field and be sure it's checked.
If none of this helps, see if you've installed TweakUI. If you have it in your Control Panel, open TweakUI, select the Paranoia tab and uncheck the box to automatically delete your history at every Windows startup.
For the full details on Tweak UI, go here:
http://www.techtv.com/callforhelp/answerstips/story/0,23008,3332906,00 .html
********** Repair fonts **********
Kevin from Carlstadt, New Jersey has a problem with his fonts. The option to install them is grayed out. The easiest way to fix this is to use TweakUI. This time, use the Repair tab. Select the "Repair Font Folder" option. If that doesn't work, double click the Fonts folder icon in your Control Panel. Be sure there's not more than 100 or 200 fonts in there.
This limit may be barring you from installing any more fonts. Note, too, that you can drag and drop a TrueType font directly into the Font folder -- if you don't or can't use the right-click option.
********** Buy now or wait? **********
Clint from Birmingham, Alabama wants to buy a new computer, but doesn't want to get Me preinstalled. Well Clint, if you wait a month or so, you'll be able to get a brand-spanking new computer with Windows XP installed. Wait until XP is bundled in the system you want to buy.
For more information on bundled software, read this story:
http://www.techtv.com/callforhelp/answerstips/story/0,23008,2469689,00 .html
Why do I like XP? Simple. Because I have to answer tech support calls for a living. I have to explain to people why their computer isn't running properly. And ya know what? XP (for the average home user) will be wonderful. Power users are up in arms because they feel they're "innocent until proven guilty" with Microsoft's Product Activation scheme.
If you don't steal software or break the End User License Agreement (aka EULA), you have nothing to worry about. If you want to install the operating system on an older machine, then yes, you will need another Windows XP license. This is no different than buying another television to watch TechTV in another room.
When XP comes pre-installed on systems, Microsoft has pretty much made WPA a non-issue for MOST people. Again, if you plan on upgrading components willy nilly, then XP probably isn't for you. Then again, in that case, I wouldn't recommend Me, either. 98SE will stop being supported, but that's just the way it goes.
It's a circular argument at this point; if you like XP, fine. If you don't like XP, fine. If you like Microsoft, fine. If you hate Microsoft, fine. It's your life. It's your computer. Install what you WANT to install. Of course, don't expect your computer to run as efficiently with one OS when it was built with another in mind.
Last I looked, you have plenty of options. My parents don't care about anything but checking their e-mail, surfing the Web, and doing a little word processing now and again. They're task-oriented, and Windows XP is a task-oriented operating system that'll (in and of itself) provide a comprehensive, clean, stable computing experience for the novice to intermediate user.
Heck, I'm a power user and I've been using Windows 2000 for months. Windows XP is like Windows 2000 with a face-lift. No, it's not perfect. But then again, what OS is?
There isn't a perfect OS, folks; that's a trick question. Every piece of software, by nature, has flaws.
********** The Misc Stuff **********
Wanna use Microsoft Word to edit your Web pages from Internet Explorer? Make sure you have HTML document support installed. Click on the Add / Remove Programs icon in your Control Panel, then click on Microsoft Office. You want to Add new components. Sort through the list until you find HTML / Web page editing support. Then... click to install it. ;)
Wanna get track information automatically downloaded for your music CDs? Visit:
I use FreeDB, myself -- with the newly-modified NotifyCD player. It's awesome; you can find a link for it at freedb.org.
Wanna stop me from drinking too much coffee? Yeah, so do I. But I'm addicted to the stuff. I tried to kick the habit, but I can't find anything that'll make my breath smell so... fresh.
Wanna share printers between computers on your home network? Right- click on the Network Neighborhood icon on your desktop, choose properties, flip to the identification tab, and make sure every computer is in the same workgroup.
Then, be sure you have installed File and Printer sharing from that same Network Neighborhood properties dialog. You can install it by flipping to the first (Configuration) tab and pressing the File and Printer Sharing button.
Thanks again to Mike Nadelman for being such a good sport.
Peace, Love, and Inkjets,
-- Anonymous, September 06, 2001