Paging JBT : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread


Those Lil' Jax Beach All-Stars just finished a tournament in, of all places, Disney World to finish the summer tourney trail. I'm here to tell you that it was an experience of a lifetime! The Wide World of Sports Complex down there is AWESOME (it's where the Atlanta Braves have spring training)!! They host ALL KINDS of tournaments (baseball, softball, football, hockey, etc....). Check it out at We managed to finish 2nd in the tournament, lost the championship game 8-3 to the Frozen Ropes Baseball Academy from White Plaine NY, and my son told me on the way back to the motel room after that game, "Dad, even though we lost, these last 4 days were the most fun I've ever had in my life." I think it was for me too! They have worldwide tounaments all the time. There were teams from Venezuela to Scotland and most places in between!

If you ever get the chance (or gumption!), GO!!!! You'll never forget it.


-- Deano (, September 05, 2001


I am glad that you and your son had such a wonderful opportunity. I doubt that I will get that chance as I imagine that to take a travel team from Iowa down there would be quite expensive.

It's funny but around here the girls can organize an ASA team and travel regularly to play in St. Louis, Texas, California etc. but the baseball guys don't seem to want to do it. Boys around here don't compete much outside of there town leagues except for the official Little tournament teams and the Babe Ruth All Star teams and unless you in the State title in those you don't go anywhere else.

The most interesting thing I find about that is that our girls high school team has fared quite well in the high school state tournament while the baseball team has not done very well. Some of that is due to the fact that the girls have had some dominant pitchers (partly due to playing a ton of games against high quality opposition in ASA tournaments) while the boys don't have that many good arms. Overall I still feel the more you play against good opposition the better you will get. Aside from that I found the ASA tournaments to be very entertaining and enjoyable as you have found your travel experience to be. It is always tough to lose (especiallly in the championship) but as your son pointed out just the memories of the experience, the people, the location, etc. will last a lifetime.

Glad to see you back and I look forward to your penetrating insights on the world shaking topics discussed here at Unk's. Did you see the thread on triple bladed razors? You better check it out.

-- Jack Booted Thug (, September 06, 2001.


Can you say 'sponsors' (or maybe fundraisers)? No way we could have done it without some help. The package deals they offer are actually quite reasonable. 4-night minimum, with 2, 2-day passes to the theme parks of choice, a pass to Blizzard Beach and another to Fantasia Island. It also included 4-day entrance to the WWoS complex ($10 a day). All that, for 2 people ran $490. Sponsor $$ knocked my share down to $200. Not bad for 5 days and 4 nights!

Check out the schedules at (we did the Turn Back the Clock tourney).

Now the price for food and beer down there is a different story......



-- Deano (, September 11, 2001.

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