I can't do vid caps of my VCDs/MPEGS!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I have several MPEGs & VCDs which I want to do a vid capture (still photo) & save as JPEG.

I tried the PRINT SCN button & paste it to a photo editing software but all I get is a blank BLACK PIC!

I used WINDOWS MEDIAPLAYER 7 & Yahoo player to play MPEGS - both give BLANK result. What do i need to do/download/remove? IS it to do with the version of DIRECT X that I got?


-- Mike (mikester_the_mp3_man@yahoo.co.uk), September 05, 2001


Go to www.hyperionics.com and look at the HyperCapture DX program. You're supposed to pay for it, but you can demo it for free all you want. It just puts its own logo in the picture until you pay for it and get a license key. It definitely will do what you want. The PowerDVD player (www.gocyberlink.com) can also do still captures, but I have never used this feature and can't commment on how well it does/does not work.

-- Jason (Jason.Shumate@equant.com), September 06, 2001.

That's because you made WMP 'fullscreen'. Instead make it 'windowed full-screen' and later (after saving) crop the borders using something like 'Paint-Shop pro'. VCD PowerPlayer also has a capture button but I have never tried it.

-- Chetan Umarje (elegance@giaspn01.vsnl.net.in), September 06, 2001.

Try Jiaos VCDCutter. It will save still pictures from either VCD or Mpeg video stream to JPEG format. It has custom format setting for still video capture. This program is shareware, which means you have to pay registration fees.

The alternative is VirtualDub. It too can capture still image from mpeg stream file. The format it saves to is BMP. It is a freeware proggie.

-- none (foo@bar.com), September 07, 2001.

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