Ragas of film songs

greenspun.com : LUSENET : carnatic.com : One Thread

Hi, Can u tell me whether there's any site which lists ragas of tamil film songs? Thanx Poornima

-- Poornima R (poori_0414@yahoo.com), September 05, 2001


Poornima: It is musicindiaonline.com. Check out this site. It does contain some tamil film songs of the past and present.


-- V.Srivathsan (tyagasri@rediffmail.com), September 24, 2001.

Given below is a site created as a dedication to the carnatic caliber of music genius ilaiyaraaja. Would like to have your comments.


-- velramanan (velramanan@rediffmail.com), September 25, 2001.

There is actually a book written by the father of the violin duo, Ganesh and Kumaresh with the title "Appreciation of Carnatic music" (or something like that) which lists a number of film songs with the ragas they are based on. This book was available at Karnatic Music Book Depot in Luz in Chennai. I am not able to recall the exact title of the book and the name of the author.

-- K. Ravilochan (auvat1@attglobal.neet), November 22, 2001.

Poornima u can find it at



-- Praveen Sherman (praveen@fingertiponline.com), December 26, 2001.


-- Vel (velramanan@yahoo.com), January 29, 2003.

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