Code words : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Area 51 - The smoking area at work.

Attitude Adjustment (You need an) - What you tell someone who needs to have sex to put them in a better mood.

Aunt Flo's Visiting- A woman's time of the month.

Backburner - What you call a person you think might be good in bed.

Bat in the Cave - Term for when someone has a booger hanging out of the nose in plain sight.

Beta Testing - A technical way to say you are dating a virgin.

Big ED (A visit from) - When you are expecting some explosive diarrhea.

BOHIC - This acronym is used for when you know something is just not going to go your way... so Bend Over, Here It Comes.

Border Pass - Mullet hair cut. Named because of the number of Canadians with this do.

Bumpin' Donuts - A very popular code phrase for lesbian sex.

Butterhead - Woman with great body, without a nice face to match... everything's great "but her head."

Butterface - See butterhead

Camel Toe - The visual you get when you see a woman wearing very tight pants.

Canadian Ballet - A Strip Club

Cash My Check (Can you) - Bank lingo for when a man asks a woman if she wants to get it on.

Cat has a Nosebleed, The - A prettier way for women to say it's their special time.

Check out the Goalie - Soccer term for when you see a very large person. One who could block the goal without having to move.

Chronic PITA - Medical acronym for when a patient is a "pain in the ass."

Cloak the Captain - To put on a condom.

Code Brown - Hospital term for when a patient didn't quite hit the bed pan.

Coming Out of the Gates - When two or more people come out of adjoining bathroom stalls at the same time, and it resembles the beginning of a horse race.

Communications Expert - A person who is gifted at pleasuring their partner orally... in, uh, that way.

Crop Dusting - Walking through a room, slowly releasing a fart.

Dance Recital - Otherwise known as a Strip Club.

Date with BOB - When your social life is a little slow, you may stay home and have a date with your Battery Operated Boyfriend.

Dilligaf - Short-hand for the otherwise long phrase "Do I look like I give a f***.

Don't Wake the Dog - When you want a little late night "action."

Double Bagger - If a woman is so ugly that you have to have two bags, one for her head, and one for yours in case hers falls off.

Dropping the Kids Off at the Pool - Going to the bathroom to do #2.

Duff - Designated, Ugly, Fat, Friend. The fat girl who is always hanging out with a group of nicer looking ladies.

Elvis is in the Building - Elvis visits women every 28 days... more female cycle jargon.

Enferma - Spanish for ill. Used to express the feeling you have when you see a good looking woman with an ugly man.

Executive Lounge (The)- The restroom at work that is not visited by many people, thus much cleaner.

Fad - When you see a woman that only looks good "From a distance."

Fuel Tank Frank - A gay Turk driver.

Financial Committee Meeting - A poker game.

Fire Drill - What you yell when it's time for a smoke break.

Flavor Saver- Used to describe the thin line of facial hair on a man going from just below one's lower lip to the chin.

Freat - A future treat... or, the description of a young girl who is with her parents that might think you are a bit too old for her.

FUBAR - acronym for a situation that is "f***ed up beyond all recognition. (Has a commanding lead in the "most submitted code word" competition.)

Getting Ned - The act of giving... eh, you can figure this one out.

Gettin' some Liver for My Pup - For some reason, this means having sex.

Going to Georgia - When you go down "South" to pleasure a woman... in, uh, that way.

Going to Get a Cheeseburger - Drinking beer at lunch during work.

Going to Virginia - Going to smoke some weed.

Got Milk? - A good question to ask if you want to know if a woman's goods are real or paid for.

Government Project - When you spend work time on a project that is intended to be used at home or for personal use.

Has Eye Trouble (He/She) - Answer given when someone suspiciously calls in to work. Derived from Person 'couldn't see' coming to work.

Having a Tupperware Party - Though there seems to be no real connection, this is lingo for two girls and one guy.

Helen Harper - In honor of a Dutch tampon, it's more slang for a woman's period.

Her Royal Highness - The girlfriend of a whipped buddy.

Hiding the Candy - Yet another slang term for menstruation (Because tampon wrappers look like Clark Bars).

Hydraulic Training Films - Aircraft mechanics term for skin flicks.

I. D. 10. T Error - By popular demand, we are finally gonna put this one on the list. When someone is having a problem caused by their own stupidity, you tell them they are having an "eye dee ten tee" error. Which when printed spells out ID10T or idiot.

I.I.I. - Fire Fighter code for when the a car wreck has no real damage but the "victims" still complain of pain. They suffer from an Insurance Induced Injury.

Jump on the Grenade - The man in a group who takes the DUFF, so that the others can score with the better looking babes.

Life Guard Duty - When people catch on to "dropping the kids off at the pool," this is a substitute code.

Lima Beans - Playing with some one's butt. This is because you may like lima beans... but only every once in awhile.

Little Crack Head - A man who pleasures a woman... in, uh, that way.

Lip Reading - A vulgar way of saying you are checking out a woman in a tight bathing suit.

Lydia Pinkum (gonna go see) - Named after a "tonic" from the 30's and 40's that was supposed to help ease the pain of a ladies time of the month.

Make a Deposit (Do you want to) - Bank lingo for when a woman asks a man to do "the deed."

Make a Reservation at the Inn - Police lingo for filling out a warrant for a probationer.

Man in the Boat - A very confusing term for a woman's... you know.

M.I.L.T.F - Pronounced "milph," this is an acronym for describing a mother I'd like to f***.

Meeting With the Boys - The male version of self pleasure.

Melon Collie Disease - What you tell your buddy when you see him with a girl that has a head like a melon and a face like a collie.

Monthly, The - Pizza slang for a pie with Pepperoni, Mushroom, and Sausage (PMS).

Mouse in the House - A very interesting term for telling people when a woman has her period.

Mr. Resneck - Jewelry store code for a suspected shoplifter.

Muffy Foo Foo - A woman with big hair that wears long high heels, and an outfit that shouts "Do Me." A group of these women is know as a gaggle of Foo.

Mr. and Mrs. S. Padaso - A very stupid couple on vacation.

Near Deads - A very loving term for old people.

On the Big Clock - A person who hasn't had any "relations" in a long, long time.

Opening Ceremonies - Foreplay

Pain Cave, The - Another more descriptive name for the rest room.

Parachute - Another word for a quickie... because you are allowing the man to just drop in, and land.

PEBKAC - A way to describe the problem with a person working a computer. When the Problem exists between the keyboard and chair. (Has taken over the title of "Most submitted code word)

PFM - An answer to the question "how did that happen?" meaning Pure Frigin' Magic.

Pickle Park -Truck driver term for a rest area on the highway.

Pink Taco - Classy description of female genitalia.

Porch Factor - A term used in the Emergency Room to determine how busy it will be at night, as a reflection of how many people are on the porches in the 'hood. Usually given in ..."low, medium or high porch factor tonight".

Pretty-Twice - A person who is pretty damn ugly and pretty apt to stay that way

Prom Date - Name for a woman's PAP test and exam, because before it they wash up like they are getting ready for the prom.

Redwood - A promiscuous woman, in reference to the redwood tree having a hole so big you can drive a truck through it.

Ringer - Deep in the coal mines of Utah, this is coveted title of a man who has had sex 7 nights in a row.

Rollin' the Bean - Female self pleasure. Can be taken further by saying "Roll the beautiful bean footage," from the Busch Beans commercials.

Rug For Sale - A prostitute.

Running Up the Old Dirt Lane - Sex for gay men.

Seeing Every Bit of Christmas - Trucker slang for when you get a birds eye view down women's shirts.

See Seven States from Rock City - This phrase is used when you can see up a girls skirt (over 18 of course) and you notice she is wearing no panties.

Short Between the Seat and the Steering Wheel (To Have A) - Mechanics term for when the only problem with the car is the driver.

Sitting on a Totem Pole - The feeling you have when you really have to do a #2, but no stalls are open.

Smackin' Clams - Lesbian sex

SPORE - Ski lodge lingo for the out of towners who don't know what they are doing. Stands for Stupid People On Rented Equipment.

Suck Start - Code phrase for CPR

Summer Teeth - A person with bad teeth. When "summer" here, and "summer" there.

Taking Care of Some Paper Work - Another phrase for #2 in the bathroom.

Taking the Kids Skydiving - Farting

Talking to Pedro - See "Getting Ned."

Ted - T.E.D. twenty-eight days... a woman's period.

Tens and Twos - Describing someone who is cross eyed.

Tossing Johnny from the Boat - A very playful name for #2.

Touching Cloth - When you have to #2 so bad you can barely hold it.

Training Films Dealing With Blocked Airways and Impaled Orifices - Name for pornos being watched at a fire station.

Tribal Council - When a boss comes in to fire an employee.

Turkey's Done, The - When it's cold and a female's nipples are erect.

Two-Pump Chump - A man who doesn't last that long in bed.

UFD - A poorly dressed person is suffering from this... an Unfortunate Fashion Decision.

Verify the Vault - Bank lingo to ask a co-worker to find a quiet place and "do it."

Visited by the Peanut Butter Fairy - What happened when one finds skid marks in ones underwear.

Watching Andy - Term for male self pleasure... while watching "The Andy Griffith Show." We don't understand it either.

Water Wings - A woman in the pool with very large floatation devices.

Wears Comfortable Shoes - Phrase used to say someone is gay or lesbian.

Weed Eating - Another phrase for pleasuring a woman... in, uh, that way.

What's on Oprah? - If you are in a big group of people gossiping about someone, and you see that person approaching, this is what you say to clue in the rest of the group to stop talking.

What was Chelsea Thinking? - A nice way of asking "what was that woman thinking when she put that on this morning?"

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - A military code for the common phrase "what the f***?"

Whistling Through the Wheatfeild - Soprano's slang for pleasuring a woman... in, uh, that way.

White Trash Trio - In hospitals, it's a Loritab prescription, a cab pass and a work release note.

WPMS Radio - More slang for the female cycle.

Wounded Soldier on Two Duffle Bags - A very interesting, and yet confusing way of describing a woman's mommy part.

Yard Work - The act of mating.

-- (, September 04, 2001


An oldie but goodie from WWII

SNAFU-Situation normal, all f**ked up.

-- (, September 04, 2001.

Thank you, dear.

-- helen scribbles furiously (yet@more.words), September 04, 2001.

There's a bat in the cave is sure to become a favorite in our house. LOL, thanks nem.

-- Debra (, September 04, 2001.

touching cloth, LOL LOL

-- al-d. (, September 05, 2001.

Don't forget FIGMO - F*ck You, I've got my orders.

-- (don't@forget.figmo), September 05, 2001.

"Crop Dusting - Walking through a room, slowly releasing a fart."

a.k.a. Drag Bunting.

Great list, nemesis!

Dan V.

-- Jimmy Splinters (, September 05, 2001.

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