Anyone recognize this name...HIGHTOWER? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

When I started chuckling at this article, I immediately thought that this guy MUST be a pond-sucking, liberal tree-hugger, or even a commie-pinko agitator. There's a sense of deja vu here, though. Didn't this guy participate in the Y2k discussions?

Jim Hightower

-- Anita (, September 04, 2001


THIS Jim Hightower?

"Former Texas agriculture commissioner, former editor of the Texas Observer--and, now, former radio personality? Jim Hightower hopes not, but even he's not sure what the future holds. Officials of the ABC Radio Networks recently notified the self-described "kick-ass populist" that they were dropping his weekly talk show, "Hightower Radio," which had 1 million listeners across the country. If Hightower can't find a new syndicator, progressives will lose yet another sympathetic voice in the media."

-- Fact (, September 04, 2001.

Jim Hightower is also the author of the book of political humor, If the Gods Had Wanted Us to Vote, They'd Have Given Us Candidates. He and Molly Ivins are good buddies.

-- Little Nipper (, September 04, 2001.

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