Splitting AVI files

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi All,

I'm new to this board & making VCDs. I've made 2 VCDs with Nero5.5 and AVI files which play perfectly on my Panasonic RV26 DVD player. Some AVI files I have are too large to fit on 1 CD & all info I have found says that splitting these is easy but none say how. How does one split a large AVI file for burning to VCD?

TIA. Dana:))

-- Dana Cardwell (drcard@oklatel.net), September 04, 2001


You have got plenty of choice... begin with the free stuff...

1> 'Personal AVI editor' Shareware version 1.56 - Download at http://www.flickerfree.com/Pae1_shareware.html

2> 'AVIedit 2.9' shareware - http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail.php3?fid=954209991

3> 'Microsoft VidEdit Video Editor' - shareware ? maybe. http://earthstation1.simplenet.com/pgs/software/desw-! videdit_.zip.html

There could be many others but I think this should be enough to get started.

-- Chetan Umarje (elegance@giaspn01.vsnl.net.in), September 04, 2001.

VirtualDub is freeware. It is fast and it is easy as 1-2-3.


1. open the file. 2. specify a starting point and an ending point with the slider bar. 3. choose video option and use direct stream copy. 4. choose audio option and use direct stream copy. 5. Save AVI as, type in a name, and click OK. 6. 2Gig file size processes in about 3 minutes.

Furthermore, use TMPGEnc to encode to VCD compliant mpeg1 instead of Nero built-in encoder.

WWW.VCDHELP.COM will answer all your questions about mpeg's.

-- none (foo@bar.com), September 07, 2001.

Thanks for your help here, but having used virtual dub, the file isn't split, at most it seems simply copied and renamed. I set it up to split in the middle. Thanks

-- pestrick (pestrick@hotmail.com), December 22, 2002.

did u start and end it at 2 different spots?

-- Blaze (blaze420thc@removethis.hotmail.com), January 07, 2003.

how do you set a start and end point?

-- Benny Lenchner (bennylenchner@hotmail.com), January 22, 2003.

first have it at 0. then click home. then while holding shift move the bar at the bottom to where you want first part to end. then click end. save this file as avi to whatever you want. next part you start with clicking home then move bar to end of the file and click end. save this part to. if you are satisfied with result just delete original file since you now got it as two parts.

-- Az (a@b.com), April 17, 2003.

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