vcd exchange : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I was woundering if there were ne vcd exchange websites around on the net that ne body knows of, or if ne one was interested in exchangeing ne i only have 1 at the momment "Scary Movie" but i hope 2 have some more if people r itersted in exchageing ne with me. please let me know via my email address of an awnser in the forum and feel free 2 add me 2 your contacts list on msn messenger

(oh and congratulations on a great forum)

-- carlo pyres (, September 03, 2001


I'm setting up a website that will allow people to swap VCD's and DVD's. This is still very much in testing stage right now.

But if you would like to send me a list of the films you have, we could discuss a swap arrangement.


The Boss

-- The Boss (, September 26, 2001.

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