Numbers??? : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

What do the following numbers have in common? 4-19-95 9:02 6-11-01 7:14 4-19-95 is the date of the Oklahoma City bombing 9:02 was the time of the bombing 6-11-02 is the date of Timothy McVay's execution 7:14 is the time that Timothy McVay's heart stopped beating Now add all those numbers together: 4+19+95+9+02+6+11+02+7+14 What do you get? 168 which is the number of people killed in the bombing. Things that make you go "Hmmmm... hmmmm... hmmmm..."

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2001


I agree, Sar, numbers have a special magic about them sometimes. And it seems to go way beyond coincidence. My own special numbers include 22 and 11. For instance, the Mayan prediction for the coming change in the world, when the next "world" will begin, is dated as 12/21/12.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2001

Gordon..Mutter posted on IC something about the prymids end on the date 9-17-01...I asked what this means, she is of line I think....does this mean anything to you????? I never heard of this?? but...the brother I mey afew yrs ago, and then he got sick and died...was born on was the only information I had to find him. so that date gave me chills!!!

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2001

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