problems related to device not functioning(dazzle-dvc-II) : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

dear sir, After installing Windows 98 SE os, I have installed MovieStar Version 4.22, which had come along Dazzle Digital Video Creator II. I am facing the problem.

The Dazzle does not get recognized, it shows a message when I click video mode, (A Device attached to system is not functioning) then we have to restart the whole system and then it works. The procedure we have to do each time we start the system, i.e. we have to shutdown and again restart.

We are using HP Brio PC Pentium III – 1 GHz with 256 MB SDRAM and other standard configuration.

Regards, Sujit Balan, Port Blair, Andaman. e-mail

-- sujit balan (, September 03, 2001


MovieStar v4.22 is bad, I have the same problem as you are, every time I capture video or record a wave file, it stop some time I have to do over again and again. I setup wizard again but it doesn't have, I uninstall and reinstall dazzle dvc v3.x it work better.

-- Cher (, September 03, 2001.

I suggest you do a search on your favorite web engine for Dazzle forums. I don't own any Dazzle products myself, but I have recently been in contact with someone who does. He told me that tech support is non-existent at Dazzle and the only place you can get help is on the various Dazzle forums.

-- Jason (, September 04, 2001.

Here is the site of Dazzle DVC II forum.

and this will be their new site.

-- dan mendoza (, September 06, 2001.

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