Can you recommend a radio station in your state? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Or, more importantly, can you recommend one from the list at this site? windowsmedia
-- Ken LaVine (klavine@tco.not), September 02, 2001
My favorite radio station in the universe: WFMU
-- Firemouse (devotedfan@forthirtythree.years), September 02, 2001.
KFI talk radio 64AM
-- (cin@cin.cin), September 02, 2001.
Me too cin. Saddened that Kobylt took Phil's slot on my evening commute. Miserable little prick.
-- Carlos (, September 02, 2001.
Sorry to snoop, Ken, but why the heck does the station have to be "from the list at this site", instead of just any old station we like to listen to? That condition seems kinda queer to me. Can you clear this up?
-- Miserable SOB (, September 02, 2001.
Hey Kenster,I found KPIG of Freedom, California & it IS listed at 107 *oink* 5. However, I can't rectify the "soft rock" description. What's the deal, squeal? No Buffet {praise the lard!} to the best of my knowledge, but I have a strong feeling that even good cap'n would enjoy this station.
That said, I hereby nominate XERB {blasted over the border} with Wolfman Jack {posthumous award}; and KPPC with Elliot Mintz - when the Black Panthers & Presbyterians saw fit to yield the airwaves.
Free Huey.
-- flora (***@__._), September 03, 2001.
. . . Dewey & Louie!
-- flora (***@__._), September 03, 2001.
This is a trick question since the average radio station changes its format every 3.72 years and those that don't are for old fuddy duds.
-- Lars (, September 03, 2001.
KEFX 88.1 FM - Twin Falls Tommorow's Music Today
-- Laffy (he@he.HaHa), September 03, 2001.
Boston: look for David Brodnoy (I think he's on late afternoon). Good, intelligent discussions.San Fran: look for Gene Burns--excellent talk MASTER!
BS: Rush Limbaugh, if ya wanna pay!
-- Free (free@your.mind), September 03, 2001.
No Buffett???BLASPHEMER!!! ; )
If you are in Nashville Tn,check out the Phoenix 93.7, it has absolutely the widest,most eclectic playlist Iv'e ever heard.You can listen to them on net too.
-- capnfun (, September 03, 2001.
I assume you want to listen to radio over the web. I second Firemouse's suggestion WFMU although it is not local for me.
-- dandelion (golden@pleurisy.plant), September 03, 2001.
Thank you. Thank you very much. (In my very best Elvis Presley voice.)
I'm checking out every anser you've posted. Don't you want to post one too Bardou?
Thanks for all your imput.
-- K en LaVine (klavine@tco.not), September 03, 2001.
KSTP Am 1500 talk radio. Oh sure, they haveDr.Laura and Rush, but the restis great local talent, including the world's most widely listened to sportstalk.
-- John Littmann (, September 03, 2001.
Count me a fan of National Public Radio.
-- David L (, September 04, 2001.
I prefer listening to the police scannner while online.Still awaiting Lars arrest, for copyright infringement. hee hee.
-- sumer (I@aint.sayin), September 04, 2001.
LOLOLOL Sumer, Glad you're back : )
-- capnfun (, September 05, 2001.