Political pundits. Do you listen? If so, HOW carefully?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
We hear from them every day [if we listen], either on T.V., or through their editorials in print. How carefully do we listen? Did we have our Spock ears on at the time, or did we hear/read something that we've felt all along to be true and felt our feelings confirmed by what we heard/read? I've followed some articles on what the media presents in The Daily Howler. I enjoyed the articles because they provoked thought on what was proven and what was simply implied. It's an interesting "game" that the media plays.Spinsanity
-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), September 02, 2001
Keep questioning like this Anita and you'll understand perfectly.It's less about who owns what than about what advertising sells to what audience. Keep your eye on the audience.
-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), September 02, 2001.
It becomes clearer every day that they're only interested in what they want us to hear.What the heck? Lars falls for it.
-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), September 02, 2001.
You are right Anita, the NYT only publishes what they, in their superior wisdom, deem fit to print.OT--The word "pundit" comes from the Hindi (sanskrit) pandit, (a person who has, or professes to have great learning). I did not know this origin. I suppose the Brits imported it from colonial India (along with "thug", "juggernaut" and a few hundred others.
-- Lars (lars@indy.net), September 03, 2001.