MGI Video Wave 4 : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I've been experimenting in turning my family videos from my digital video camera into VCD. I have tried a few trial programs and have found MGI Video Wave 4 to be pretty good. It's basic but is easy to use and makes reasonable VCD. I use Nero 5 to burn to CD-RW which I can playback in my DVD.

Has anyone else tried this program who can give me some idea of how it compares to others. I see most in the forums us Adobe or Ulead programs. I have Ulead Video Studio 4 basic but get far better results with Video Wave

-- Kevin (, September 01, 2001


I am forwarding this message to an enthusiast friend of mine who uses MDI Video Wave 4 along with the LSX Encoder. The VCD quality that he has achieved (using Sony Camcorder with IEEE-1394 interface) is quite satisfactory. Sent him a mail at and give my reference.

-- Chetan Umarje (, September 02, 2001.

Hi, I did use MGI Video Wave with my Iomega Buzz before I brought my Pinnacle VCD card. But I personally had many problems with capturing with this program. But now I use a program called Cine Player DVR with my Pinnacle VCD Capture card and it works fantastic. The quality is excellent and it also saves the file in mpeg format as well. Also to edit the video file I use Cineplayer Editor. It is simple to use and does the job very well. Also I have a program called Video Capturix and I sometimes use that to record my video tapes with and it works well as well. I have tried using Adobe Premier and Ulead Video Studio but found them to complicated and too involved to work with.

Regards CybaGirl

-- Cybagirl (, September 04, 2001.

Thanks for your input. Will try the other programs and will contact your friend by email soon

-- Kevin Jones (, September 10, 2001.

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