Leica M6 TTl with Metz 45 Cl 3 and Sca351....is possible to use in TTL ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Is possible to use, without damage, a Hasselblad Proflash ( I think it is a Metz 45 Cl 4 ) with a Leica M6 TTl with Sca 351 ? The manual suggest usinf Sca 3501, but Sca 3501 is a complication and needs a lot of adapters. Thanks fabio

-- Fabio Scaglione (fabioscaglione@tim.it), September 01, 2001


I cannot really comment on this combination other than to say this - in dayjob part of what I do is deal with repair complaints (happily to say Leica is by far the best in this respect). I've sent far to many cameras in for repair with blown metering circuits due to improper flash use. The secondary flash contacts on the hotshoe are dealing with microvolts, and a little too much 'power' can cause a lot of grief.

-- Bob Todrick (bobtodrick@yahoo.com), September 01, 2001.

The SCA351 will *not* communicate TTL exposure with the M6TTL, nor with the R8 which shares the same flash circuitry. Either a SCA3501 or 3502 will be necessary. Likewise the 3501/3502 will not TTL on RE- R5-6-6.2-7 bodies. I've tried the combinations myself. You won't burn anything out, but the flash will fire at full power no matter what setting.

-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), September 01, 2001.

Fabio, I believe the SCA351 uses an analog signal while the SCA3501/3502 use digital signals. The M6 and R8 both use digital signals, therefore you MUST use the SCA3501 or 3502. But since the Metz45 CL4 uses analog signals, you must also use the SC3000 converter between the SCA3501/3502 and your Metz flash. I use this combination on my R8 and Metz 45 CL4. It works great, just as Metz says on their internet site. Good Luck, LB

-- Luther Berry (lberrytx@aol.com), September 03, 2001.

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