May I share vicariously your weekend plans? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

It's raining "full-steam" here, and the roads are already reported to be unpassable in some places due to flash-floods from the rain yesterday. Lucky called me this morning to suggest that I cancel the "Luau" thought. I waited until the new rain storm came to respond that I would, indeed, cancel the trip.

What are YOUR plans for the weekend? Do you have good weather?

-- Anita (, August 31, 2001


Camping (just tents -- never had an RV, pop-up or any other fancy stuff) and canoeing near Lake Michigan (Ludington area). Last I looked, the weather was going to be something like partly cloudy, high of 70 -- almost perfect for this kind of stuff. Hope it keeps that way.

Gotta go...I hope you somehow manage to have a good one anyway, 'Nita. Personally, I'd try to make lemonade from my "lemon" -- run out in the rains, look for a mudfight, etc.

-- Eve (, August 31, 2001.

Well, I'm afraid my plans are somewhat less grandiose than Jonathan's and not nearly as adventuresome as Eve's.

Will be dispensing the holiday libations (Fri & Sat) to all those who are fortunate enough to have a long weekend.We are closed Sun & Mon by state law, which I will spend setting up a new computer.

Sun and Mon are not without their cheap thrills though, as I will park my truck in front of the store luring those who forgot their party supplies to investigate and ultimately find out that we are closed, while all the while I chuckle with vino in hand and motion for them to read the "Closed by state law in observance of Labor Day" sign.

I thought after 8 years they would have figgered it out by now, but then I would be deprived of the sedistic humor; )

-- capnfun (, August 31, 2001.

Hi Anita,

I'm not that far away from you, and I'm getting wet also. Five day now, and I think it rained about 4 inches just last night, with 100% chance through the weekend. The bayou just covered the dock and is reclaiming the yard. The road is cut off just below us, and the neighbors are parking in front of our place and wading home.

We get this about once a year, and it's a price I gladly pay to live among the roseate spoonbills and kingfishers. But this weekend looks like a good one to stay inside and eat. (Capn, you're invited)


-- Lon Frank (, August 31, 2001.

Let us not forget the meaning of Labor Day. I will be at the Labor Day parade in downtown Buffalo. American worker proletarians are heroes. Their fat capitalist exploitive parasitic masters live on borrowed time.

Workers unite! You have nothing to lose but your Cheneys!

-- (Leon Trotsky @ UAW.picnic), August 31, 2001.


As the plans stand at the moment. I get up at 4:00 am and drive to the airport. I catch a flight to DC. I will return on Monday. In time to catch some sleep, before depositing the dogs and cats at the boarding place before catching a flight to Seattle.

One bright spot; e-mail today said that the DC meeting may be rescheduled for October. I will learn tonight. If so, I will go to town and buy fuel. Then I will mow on Saturday and Sunday.

Exciting, huh. :)

Best Wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, August 31, 2001.

Still waiting for an invite.

-- Lars (, August 31, 2001.

Hi,Anita, Didn't realise till I read your replies that it is a holiday weekend for you all.I have two busy weeks ahead as I'm lecturing across the water in Wales next week & then we have friends staying for a week. It's just dawned on me that I had better get some cooked meals in the freezer as we shall be jaunting around everyday. So I guess I'll be cooking and cleaning and putting the finishing touches to the lectures.If it makes you and Lon feel a little better we have rain forecast too!

-- Chris (, August 31, 2001.

I'm getting wet too

-- (blonde@big.hooters), August 31, 2001.

Dove hunting season starts 30 minutes before sunrise Saturday morning. Got ice, got food and will check back in Monday.

pssst, don't tell cin.

-- Carlos (, August 31, 2001.


-- Debra (, August 31, 2001.


You don't really have to shoot them here. It will be about 48 F in the morning. They will collect on the road by the hundreds. You just need to scrape them off of the grill and cook them. :)

Best Wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, August 31, 2001.

Lars, you ain't waitin' for a invite from me are ya? Why, shoot fire, boy, get in the pireaux and come on over. We got rice and beans, crawfish a-too-fay, a little andouille gumbo, and fried catfish what slept in the bayou last night.

I tell you, ma sha, we gonna pass a good time to-NIGHT!

(I jus' had to tell the capn' to come, 'cause most folks don' like his kind hangin' roun', ya know. I think it mus' have somethin' to do with all of the widder Boudreaux's chickens goin' missin' the last time he was in these parts.)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --

-- Lon Frank (, August 31, 2001.


-- Debra (, August 31, 2001.


This is a minor point: still, in my experience it works better if you remove the feathers first. :)

Best Wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, August 31, 2001.

Debra, I was going through some boxes, in an attempt to get all of the school work together for my ex-foster kids so I can take it to them when we go to our "family" pickic in a week. I found some little booklets I had gotten and one was "What to do when your child tattles". Would you like me to send it to you? *giggle*.

Z, will you be going to miss Bumpershoot!

I'm going to be cleaning out my garage this weekend, and rearanging my house. With help from bodies I have gathered for the purpose. I should have a garage sale, but maybe I'll just give it all away. It's been a few years since I cleaned it, with the parents being sick and all, and I am shocked at how many things I have accumulated. Getting my Daughter's clothes ready for school. The weather is perfect as far as I'm concerned, low clouds and a nice strong breeze. Probably rain during bumpershoot, which is appropriate. If my leg isn't killing me by Sunday I will go to bumpershoot and listen to the bands play 60's rock and roll and observe the closing ceramonies so I can watch the fertility dance of the two story puppets (which they set on fire in the end).

-- Cherri (, August 31, 2001.

Hi Anita it cooled off some, so I hope to get a project finished.

-- bitchslapper (, August 31, 2001.

LOL Lon!!!

You din say nufn bout me comin round there did ye? And you mean ta tell me she's *still* pissed?

One of these days Lon when you mention what killer eats are goin down, down your way, I'm gonna be pullin up your driveway,regardless of what the widder think.

Ain't it just easier to go to Mc D's and get a McDove sammich?

-- capnfun (, September 01, 2001.


I posted that last about 12 hours ago, and it's been rainin' ; like a cow, well you know, ever since! If you be comin' by de driveway, you better hurry, 'cause in a little while we'll be able to put out a trot line across it!


-- Lon Frank (, September 01, 2001.

Resting from the weeks labor:-)

Just chilling now that the rain has ceased. I almost didnt get out of work yesterday with all the flood claims. Hope eveyone has a wonderful weekend.

I'm couched w/plenty of movies and plan on NO cooking. Lol.

-- sumer (I@aint.sayin), September 01, 2001.

I'm going to rearrange my sock drawer.

-- (, September 01, 2001.

LOL Cherri!

-- Debra (, September 01, 2001.

Just got back from vacationing in New Hampshire. Appreciated the much slower pace of life for a change.

I made the climb to the top of Mount Monadnock. On that clear day I saw all six New England States.

It was a moderately strenuous climb with a rock scramble for the last 200 vertical feet, but a most remarkable view.

Today we are going to buy fish for the new aquarium.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), September 02, 2001.

I did brunch today with my sis and nephew. Seafood bar was awesome and now am listening to the airshow flying overhead. Will go the Burton Fair tomorrow. BEAUTIFUL day here in Ohio.

FS, rock climber, wow. Must be physically fit for that. Come on, show us yer pecks. :-)

-- sumer (I@aint.saying), September 02, 2001.

Gorgeous weather. Pruned big juniper bush, caught insects to feed the lizards.

-- Firemouse (paradise@katy.dids), September 02, 2001.

I had brunch at the neighborhood Wyndham hotel with the extended family of my friend. Good food, good company. Four generations. Fun.

-- Lars (, September 03, 2001.

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