Take off your white shoes, it's Labor Day weekend. Where will you be?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

To quote The MOC, who sang in his sleep this morning Everybody's workin' for the weekend!

Summer's over. This is the last hurrah. What are you guys doing?

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001


Sadly enough, nothing special. Tomorrow my kickass new t.v. and washer/dryer get delivered. So I'll dance around my apartment (naked, now that I live alone doncha know) and do laundry, probably.

I'm sure I'll go to the pool too.

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

i'm off to penn state to visit my sister. this is the last three day weekend until... when, thanksgiving? criminey.

and sadly, no dancing around naked in my apartment. i've got too many windows that look out at the coffee shop across the street. although... i might get some free mochas out of it.... hmmmmm....

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

At home, bonding with parents and grandparents, playing PlayStation, stealing a few precious hours with The Smoker, and hopefully meeting the second puppy (if she recovers).

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

I'm off to my dad & stepmom's ranch this afternoon, where I will stay until Sunday afternoon. My brother is going down, too, with two of his buddies. That's always fun - he has such pretty little friends. Heh.

Monday I will be trying to figure out the mysteries of the CD burner on my computer so I can make a funny mix tape for a buddy of mine who I will be visiting in New Orleans the weekend of the 8th, for his birthday. I'm giving myself the whole day (Monday) to figure it out. Technologically adept, I am not.

Oh, and at some point, I suppose I need to pack all the ex's glassware into boxes so when he comes to pick up his stuff at the end of the month it will be a speedy process. Sigh.

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

Miranda, have fun in State College! I might see you around, but last night, the Fie-ance said he wants to throw our jeans in the truck and drive down to Asheville, NC. Considering I made plans with half the free world for the next few days, I'm not sure what's going to happen.

Just don't try to get anywhere in State College on Saturday night. Seriously. LA gridlock's got nothing on the streets of this town on game night.

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

oh, i forgot about the game on saturday! thanks for the reminder...

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

I will, of course, be preparing game food on Saturday and holding down one of the most comfy chairs in front of the TV Saturday night. Roll Tide and pass the sausage balls! If the game gets tight and the Tide does not Roll,I will console others who are weak and cannot take it like a man. I will listen to a bunch of game theories and decide what the rest of the season will be like. If I reach adverse or negative decisions, I may shop on subsequent game days just so I wont have to watch grown men cry.

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

At Newark Airport, where I am now and where I spent two hours earlier this afternoon. Or on AirTran Flight #379, where I have spent the last three hours.


But at least they let us out for water and conjugal visits.

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

Eh I'll probably sit by the pool. Maybe go to the beach. Watch trash tv. Call my parents.

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2001

Oh WG! Newark is the penultimate hell. I loathe Newark. At least they have the free internet kiosks, every oh, 25th gate and all.

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2001

My weekend shouldn't been No Labor. I did nothing, and it was great. Best Buy delivery is a beautiful thing, my friends. As is having your own w/d.

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2001

We went to the water park. I thought it was going to be gross, but it wasn't so bad. Mad Mad had a good time.

I will say, there are some interesting characters at that place.

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2001

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