Hurry Abby, : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Abby, I just read that you are getting another site soon. We are so happy for you, you are such a sweetheart Abby, we're so happy for you !!
-- finally (so happy for her, August 31, 2001
Abby, we are so happy for you, I think both of your sites are great, don't close any of them, keep both going, you can do it!!!!Here is Abby's site so everyone can be so happy for her.
-- finally, so happy for her (so happy for her, August 31, 2001.
Abbey, I agree with so happy, both look real good, I agree, I would keep both sites. It's a tough choice, keep both.
-- toughchoice (, August 31, 2001.
I'm not in any hurry for nothing
-- Coasting (, August 31, 2001.
Abby, we are so happy for you, please keep both boards. We will do a link exchange to our new site.
-- finally so happy for her (so happy for her, August 31, 2001.
I went there and no one is posting or replying, what a waste of time! Girl boards suck!!!! Joe surfer
-- joesurfer (, August 31, 2001.
Abby, the boards you have won't sign me up, I registered, and it is saying pending ez-op permission, we like your sites, i would keep both boards going, they look good, we are from the dakota's, we like your style, keep both boards going, night and day. Don't give up, you're just starting to go, how do we post? The EZ-op message says pending permission, why? Your other board you could just post, are we not welcome? The family just loves you, so do our friends. Best wishes, keep both boards going, go Abby go, The family
-- dakotablue (, August 31, 2001.
Lured by gift bearing friends, she sticks her neck out and is summarily decapitated. A coincidence? Fitting karma? A nice exexution of a well planned scheme? Who can be sure....
-- Jackal (, August 31, 2001.
I still can't sign up at her new sites. Both boards won't let me it still says EZ-op permission requiered.
-- dakota blue (, September 01, 2001.
Quoting first 3 Posts ....:::Abby, I just read that you are getting another site soon. We are so happy for you, you are such a sweetheart Abby, we're so happy for you !!
-- finally (so happy for her, August 31, 2001 Answers Abby, we are so happy for you, I think both of your sites are great, don't close any of them, keep both going, you can do it!!!! Here is Abby's site so everyone can be so happy for her.
-- finally, so happy for her (so happy for her, August 31, 2001.
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Abbey, I agree with so happy, both look real good, I agree, I would keep both sites. It's a tough choice, keep both.
-- toughchoice (, August 31, 2001.
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I'm not in any hurry for nothing
-- Coasting (, August 31, 2001. ::::
****Okay, any of you who do not know that the person who made those post ISSSSSS Abby need a frontal lobotomy. Yes ... she posted them. GAWD! How transparent.
I happen to know how to get "validated" so you are able to post at a "register required" ez-board. Will I say it here? Hell no. I hope no one goes to her boards. She is a fear freak and panic monger. Sit on it Abby!
-- eZ-Op (, September 01, 2001.
I believe you ez-op ! I would tell anyone to procede with caution when entering a trolls territory. Troll boards are laced with maniac ramblings of un-stabled personas all being one of the same person.
-- karmacollector (, September 01, 2001.
None of that shit goes on here, does it?
-- George S Patton (, September 01, 2001.
NO SIR! Not here. It doesn't. NO SIR!
-- Debra (, September 01, 2001.
This forum has always been the place to sort out bunk and trolls.G.S. Patton, I salute you for bring that to our attention.
-- karmacollector (, September 01, 2001.