CONDIT - Dems redistrict him out of his seat : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

[OG, cynically: Is it possible that even if the Democrats could take any direct action that would meet with everyone's approval, they would? Or are they so used to weaseling around, they automatically choose the slimy way anyway? Why don't they just go ahead and censure the guy, take him off the Intelligence Committtee and suffer the slings and arrows of the maybe four people in the country who might actually voice some hint of protest?]


No Place for Gary In Dem Remap Bid

California Democrats are greasing the skids to slide Rep. Gary Condit back into private life with a redistricting plan that would make his reelection unlikely, it was reported yesterday.

A preliminary remapping plan drawn by state party leaders is scheduled to be unveiled today, according to The Washington Post.

The latest blow to Condit's political fortunes comes as Democrats, disgusted with the way he has handled himself since intern Chandra Levy disappeared four months ago, appear to be abandoning him almost as fast as voters.

New polls in the farm towns of the conservative Central Valley suggest most voters who have strongly backed him for more than a decade are unwilling to give him another term.

One found only 27% of voters said they would vote for the six-term House member again.

Party leaders, faced with losing the crucial Central Valley congressional seat, hope the redistricting will convince Condit to pass on a reelection bid next year, sources told newspaper.

-- Anonymous, August 30, 2001


-- Anonymous, August 30, 2001

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